Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Simple Green vs. Urinal Spill

I got out the Simple Green. 

I let Ron smell it because he was in bed and I would be using it next to him.  He said it was fine.  I cut it 1:1 to cut the smell a little and started spraying the bad part of his carpet.  I realized I would need the carpet cleaner at some point but I decided to see what I could do with just the solution, a scrub brush, and a couple of old towels. 

It's not dry yet but it looks better and God knows smells better in there now.  There is a light fragrance from the cleanser but nothing else.  Before it smelled like a downtown alleyway.  I have been avoiding putting my bare foot on that area when I assist him but I might actually stand there now. 

It got some bad energy out of my system so glad I did that.  However, the last time I used Simple Green it was 20 years ago and Ron and I were having some very bad times.  So not the best fragrance association for me. 

Scent is such a peculiar thing.  I doubt Ron will remember we used this, before. 


Anonymous said...

So to answer your question from a while ago piss man has always been an abuser. Only now he does verbal and mental abuse rather than physical abuse . And no his head injury did not make him an abuser he has always been one. And your stepmother is a screwed up bitch.

Heather Knits said...

Oh, I agree, it started with verbal and mental, went to physical, I told him next time I would file charges and then explained what happens to helpless offenders in the holding pen; rape at best. Told him NEXT time I wouldn't care about that. Now it is back to verbal/emotional.

I am angry because the person I trusted had 2 marriages under her belt and knew what an abuser looked like. I was not confiding in some kid my age with no experience.

He has had a couple of head injuries before he met me and I have to wonder but I think being a narcissist and being blind got him out of a lot. No one ever held him accountable his whole life.

Anonymous said...

Ron wouldn’t get raped in jail. He wouldn’t get attacked.

Prisoners have rules and society. No one would harm a cripple or retarded person. They’d be ostracized at best... beaten/killed at worst.

It’s clear he’s in bad shape and crazy, prisoners would leave him alone. This isn’t a bad tv show.

Heather Knits said...

Well, I was pretty angry at the time. Sadly, I think it would have to be pretty extreme behavior on me before he would get charged "Because he's crippled".