Monday, November 18, 2019

Like I didn't have enough to do

I need to work on our nutrition.  It is sad, I am so careful what I give the cats, always making sure they have quality fresh food.  I give them probiotics and buy high quality foods.  I serve it to them on little plates.  Nothing is too good for them. 

But I am often found eating a cup of noodles (I figured out it works with my evening medication) or Pop Tarts, while my orange juice languishes in the back of the fridge.  Ron: today, I got him to eat a burrito.  That was it.  It was a high quality steak burrito but still... where are the vegetables?  Where is the protein?  Why is he hurting all the time? 

And me... I eat processed foods and wonder why I am so tired and depressed all the time.  I'm not flogging myself, I'm just stating a problem: our nutrition isn't. 

Part of it is depression and side effects from my medication.  I am tired and unmotivated, I don't have much energy.  There is a very real reason I use disposable plates.  So many times I just don't have the energy to cook, much less do the dishes. 

I did get Ron some fruit & vegetable juice blended up.  He has no idea it has carrot juice, etc. in it and I'm not telling him.  I can get him to drink that, sometimes, especially when I am giving him medication. 

Me?  [crickets]  I do like carrot juice and I can buy some of that.  Other vegetables?  Not sure what we would do that is easy. 

Fruit is easier, I love apples and I can do them any day of the week.  Same with citrus.  Ron doesn't really do fruit aside from the juice.  I might be able to get him to eat a banana now and then. 

Ugh... I need to think about this for a while. 

And I haven't even got to the protein yet.  That's pretty easy for me, I do shakes and bars.  I had a 20 gram protein bar this morning for breakfast with my pills.  Ron doesn't really like them but I might be able to get him to take a bite now and then, that would be better than nothing. 

I think I need to spend some time looking at the Walmart delivery website. 


Anonymous said...

There are some plant based protein bars at Walmart that have fruits and veggies snuck in. They are not the most delicious things ever created but they are tolerable. I can’t think of the name right now. Or there is a mild vanilla flavored plant based protein powder that has fruits and veggies and it can be mixed in yogurt or added to juice. It was a bit costly though but it is also at Walmart.

Alex said...

How about some homemade smoothies? Throw some kale, celery & bananas in a blender, along with some coconut water, peanut (or almond) butter and ice. It's a whole meal, which can be consumed in a couple minutes, with minimal dishes. Inexpensive, too