Tuesday, November 12, 2019

I couldn't believe it

But it's true, Cleo has slept in my bed the last two nights, she looks very good in there.  Not sure about letting me pet her in bed but she is sleeping with me and I will take it. 

The last 2 nights, I have had nightmares about Spotty getting hurt.  Every time I wake up and he is OK but it is disturbing. 

Ron woke up in horrible pain with arthritis, from the cold front that moved in last night.  I will try the magnets on him later and see if they help. 

I woke up at 5:30 this morning, with the nightmare, on my day off so here I am at 7.   Ron is grumpy.  He is doing something work related. 

I fed the cats some chicken based wet food, trying to switch over to poultry from fish-based wet.  Better for the boys.  I put out the dry (mixed with some Iams Chicken dry) and it was very popular with everyone so I can make the move to Iams eventually. 

Mama cat has had an ongoing litter box problem, she doesn't line up her [censored] with the litter box so she always drops her delivery right outside the box.  And she is really proud of this and thinks she did a great job.  [face palm]  Her kittens have much better manners. 

She is fine, peeing, though. 

It is a huge litter box but it has short sides, I believe I need to get a taller box in there and she will be OK.  But that's how I know the probiotics are working, she has changed for the better and that is all I will say. 

If I had to guess I would say she just doesn't have a lot of experience with a box.  I am diligent about cleaning every day so that's not it.  She's just a little special. 


Ron is in a LOT of pain today.  It is hard to watch.  I will see if he needs anything, go take a shower (I have to, anyway) and see if he wants his magnets.  He would not want me to interrupt him right now. 

I'll be back.  The weather is miserable outside (cold, very windy, some rain) so I am not going out on the bus today. 


Anonymous said...

I got a box that came with a lid, but I don’t like the lids so I left it off and it has nice large sides. So if you don’t find a non lid kind with high enough sides you could try a covered one and just don’t use the lid. Just a thought. My cat has done the same thing before. Hope it didn’t happen on the carpet. 🤐

Anonymous said...

I got out in 15 degree weather this morning, scraped the snow off my car and drove on icy roads to work.
Wish I lived in Houston. LOL