Monday, November 4, 2019

Had a bad scare

I haven't been able to find Biscuit, looking for him for hours, worried sick, thinking he is blocked, kidneys failing, dying somewhere, probably under my bed.  Searched everywhere. 

Finally decided I had better find the grim truth, got the flashlight and looked under the bed.  I saw a pink nose and white whiskers looking back.  "What?" 

Mr Pink Nose is doing just fine, thank you. 


Anonymous said...

Glad you found him but if this is new behavior on his part keep a close eye on him as he could be sick. When my cat was sick he started hiding in the closet which he had never done before.

Heather Knits said...

Good advice, I will be watching him. He did get into bed with me later, like he usually does, I got a massage, etc...yelling for breakfast when I got up, etc.

The times he has gotten sick it has been out in front of God and everyone.