Saturday, September 21, 2019

Saturday morning

I am feeling sorry for myself but not about money. 

1.  Woke up with another migraine.  That really intensely sucked but I didn't puke.  I seem to be better now around 11 AM so I can still do things carefully. 

2.  Cleo is getting very bonded to Ron "Treat man" "She lets me pet her all over".  I'm the one that fed her all those days out on the porch, rescued her, spayed her, got her in the house, took her in for her checkup, etc.  But she runs from me.  To Ron.  Hard not to feel hurt. 

Answer: we are going back to me standing over the bowl while they eat and petting her while she eats.  She loves to eat and that will motivate her to overcome her fear.  I tried the "let her set the tone" approach and it is not working, we have gone backward. 

That's it for feeling sorry for myself.  Ron does not want a bath today so he will just meet my parents like that.  If they say anything (very doubtful) they will be told the truth.  I don't think it is very respectful of him. 

I have given up on trying to get him up to standards, if he ends up in the ER one day and they ask I will tell them the truth and point them here. 

Well that was nice, I checked my email and got a "Your stay is coming up" email from my motel.  I have always been happy with the hotel, which can be described as "basic".  I don't need anything fancy.  Since I am staying during the school year it should be pretty quiet.  I like to go in September.  You may remember I went for a couple days by myself back in 2011.  I had a very good time, took the bus home - to downtown Houston and then to the local bus and took that home.  It worked pretty well. 

I like the hotel is close to grocery stores, etc.  It was easy to run out and get a snack or some drinks.  My place didn't exactly have a mini bar.  I am looking forward to it. 

I hope Ron doesn't do anything stupid but I am not going to bind myself to a tight leash just because he might do something stupid. 

Example: this morning I had a migraine.  He could do whatever he wanted as long as he was quiet - and he was, mostly, until the end.  As near as I can tell he drank a lot, left the lid off the treats again (!), gave the cats a lot of treats I presume, then got himself back to bed - somehow.  I heard him, it sounded ugly, but he got it.  At least I found him in bed when I got up. 

My headache is coming back, I am going to take a break from the glare. 


Anonymous said...

Feel sorry for Biscuit he is the one who will suffer when "treat man" gives him things he is not supposed to have because he is to damn drunk to know the difference. He really is an ass.

Heather Knits said...

If you watched my last video you know we have treats for Biscuit, Ron has them in every place he treats the cats so he can easily get the "right" treat for him.

AND Biscuit is getting boarded Monday night when I am gone so there will be no mistakes. Won't be cheap but worth it.

Anonymous said...

If he is drunk there is NO getting the right treats out. C'mon wake the hell up you know when he is drunk he has NO common sense.

Heather Knits said...

Even very drunk he gets the treats straight. Worse case he will eat the cat treats when very drunk. But that has only been once that I caught him "Kind of bland" he said as I took them away and gave him a better snack. Or he forgets to close the canister...but OK with Biscuit.

I will remind you again Biscuit is boarded Monday night when I am away from the house, with his prescription food and treats at the vet. I am sure they will take good care of him.

Anonymous said...

Why do you care if Cleo lets Ron pet her more than she lets you pet her?

She only lets him because he over feeds her with treats. It's affection for treats, not affection for Ron. He is over feeding all of them, and i feel sorry for them.

Ron is not helpless. There are plenty of ways he could bond with the cats without over feeding them.

Anonymous said...

Cleo is going to be massively obese and very soon. Ugh