Friday, September 20, 2019

The verdict on work

They are closing down the plant for an undetermined period of time. 

They will have a minimal staff (probably 2 dozen or so).  We need hundreds of customers to keep the vending business going. 

So it is not a problem when they say they only want us there once a week. 

I told Ron this, he accepted it.  Then he called someone who riled him up "You need to talk to them!  That's not logical!  You need to tell them how it's done!" basically. 

You can imagine how well that would go over right about now.  The last thing they want is a vendor complaining and telling them what to do.  We serve at their pleasure, they can get rid of us. 

And it would be really stupid to agitate.  I am hoping we will see a lot of traffic from the construction workers. 

But for the short term I will only be allowed to work one day a week.  That is going to be strange for me as I am used to putting in a good day's work at least 3-4 times a week. 

For the short term, I will just focus on stocking Monday. 


Anonymous said...

So do you have to go to the conference since expense wise this will be a very big deal for you both right now? May be good to call someone in charge and ask about that.

Anonymous said...

This is going to be worse for you because the more Ron is home the more he drinks. So only working 1 day a week means blackouts for 6 days. You really need to out your foot down about the drinking. This is all out of control with him and you letting him rule the roost.

Heather Knits said...

I can put my foot down all I want, he will just roll over it in the wheelchair.

He will have to cut back on his drinking because we can't afford it, he is drinking a fifth a day that he admits to, but I am throwing out a lot of empties for that.

I have considered getting a helper job. God knows I do that, it would not be hard to find a senior/disabled who would appreciate a hand.

Heather Knits said...

They reimburse the conference expenses, that is covered OK. I am hoping the repairs will be finished by then anyway.

Anonymous said...


Heather Knits said...

At least, that he admits to. There is a steady stream of empties leaving the house.

I had mentioned, when he bought the fifths, that my mother notoriously drank one a day while pregnant with me. So he sort of set that as his benchmark. I told him it was not something to be proud of.

I also mentioned to him (before he got hard core) that my mother was found dead with a 2 liter bottle of cheap vodka on her nightstand. He brought that up incessantly when he started drinking cheap 2 liters of vodka. "The same one your mother drank".

And then he blames my mother for my refusal to "help" with alcohol. I tell him constantly, I don't even remember her drunk, it's YOU I have all the bad memories.

So, not something to be proud of. If this plant closure goes on for long I am going to demand he switch to the cheap alcohol. He is spending 6x as much on the fancy flavored stuff. A 2 liter of the cheap stuff was about $11 last I heard, a fifth is about $20 from what he told me.

Anonymous said...

A $20 fifth a day= 20x30 = $600 A MONTH. That is a good car payment. That’s many things.

Heather Knits said...

I know... that's why, if things go bad at work, I will demand he switch to the cheap stuff which will be about $80 a month. And he hates the taste so he won't drink as much.

I can't think of anything I would spend that kind of money on, ongoing. I racked up some good bills at the vet but those were one timers.

Ongoing, never.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of the work thing, I think it’s ridiculous to spend that much if there is a cheaper option. You have every right to demand he switch to the off brand right now.