Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sunday afternoon

A pretty good day. 

I got up and got ready, did most of the house things.  Ron wanted to empty a urinal at the last minute and wheew.  I put some bleach in the bowl after I flushed and used some Febreeze, that did a good job. 

I did not have time to sweep and mop, I wanted to do the housework before the shower and realized I was out of time.  I did get my hair washed and legs shaved. 

I got dressed.  The cats couldn't understand why I wasn't feeding them.  And they ran off the minute my adoptive Mom appeared.  All except Spotty and Mama cat, faithful friends.  Mom got a lot of photos of Mama cat and loved her to pieces.  If things were different I could have easily found a home for Mama. 

All the cats came out as I began feeding, some, like Biscuit, just to peek around the corner but everyone made an appearance.  She got a lot of pictures, I may put some up when she publishes them. 

We went to church, and then out to lunch.  We had a pretty good lunch.  Dad had to take a phone call during lunch but we carried on without him.  I let him know it was OK and I didn't rush him.  He clearly felt awful about it.  Family emergency. 

We finished up and they brought me home, then left.  Ron asked me to make the trips for tomorrow and I did, then I laid down a little. 

BUT I had a six pack of Mountain Dew, and Excedrin when I got up (the headache just would not die until I got a Mountain Dew and some Excedrin in there).  I didn't really sleep but I did rest for a while, then got up. 

I had a nice piece of pecan pie at lunch so I am considering that my birthday cake.  It began raining pretty hard about the time I got up, I am glad Dad is back at my aunt's house. 

It will be interesting to see what they "let" us do at work tomorrow.  We made the trip to go, and a ride home just in case.  Dad was having trouble with the trunk on the rental.  Ron of course needs a trunk for the wheelchair so, worst case, we can take paratransit home and they can meet us at the house vs picking us up at work like we normally do. 

We got Ron a "plate" at the BBQ place so he has plenty to eat tomorrow.  I finished packing my bag for tomorrow so I am pretty much ready to go.  I need to put my hairbrush in there but that is it. 

I only have the one hairbrush, I should probably have a second, travel, hair brush.  I also need to check and make sure I have my hair clip.  I can't stand washing my hair with it down after I finish, in the shower.  I prefer to wash and condition, clip it up on top of my head, and then take it down when I get out.  It just works better for me.  I forget how I started but it works great for me, and I hate it so much when I forget my clip. 

I just checked my bag (Ron needed me for something so I was up anyway) and I have a spare hairbrush, but I didn't have a clip so I put a spare in there.  I will just need to change my shoes from work boots to sandals (!) when I get home tomorrow, take out my bag, put Biscuit's towel (he has one he sleeps on, in my bed) in the carrier and then catch Biscuit.  Put down all the good foods for the other cats.  Take him out to the car (Dad's going to love that) and take him to the vet. 

I don't plan to take my charger, my phone ought to be good for 2 days.  I will only be gone about 24 hours. 

But a couple of themes kept coming up from the parental side:
1.  I am working very hard (they said)
2.  I need a break (again them)
3.  It is very important for me to take time off. 

I think Ron will be OK.  90% odds he does not have a problem, those are pretty good odds.  I don't ask them for anything so they want to do something nice for me.  I will be agreeable.  Ron will either hurt himself or not.  I can't wrap him in cotton. 

I did set him up with some things he might need, some spaghettios, a Hormel Compleat all within easy reach.  Kraton next to his bed so he can take it as needed.  He has today's takeout in the fridge.  I will make him a couple of lemonades too. 

Overall I think he will be OK.  Yay, it finally stopped raining. 

I read something that upset me, I am going to verify there is not ANOTHER hurricane headed for Houston. 

"Tropical disturbance, scattered rain"  I am not too worried about that.  But we are under a little cell right now that won't quit.  At least it is not raining over near my Dad. 

I need to go to bed early tonight - Ron was worried about tomorrow, I had to clarify when I was leaving, what I was doing, how I could help him.  Oh, it reeks.  Someone just farted in here and it wasn't me.  How can such a nice cat have such an evil smell?   Cat farts should smell like hyacinths. 

I'm going to go for now. 


Anonymous said...

Heather..brave woman, no charger for an overnight trip! Makes me break out into a cold sweat thinking about it. LOL

Heather Knits said...

Phone says it is good for a couple of days on one charge, and I just don't use it that often.