Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Wednesday morning

I thought this was funny. 

I read that cats like to lie on things that soak up their scent, then you can transport the item with you when you move (board!), etc. so the cat has familiar territory with them.  Scent is hugely important to a cat. 

That made a lot of sense to me so I put a towel in the bed for about a week before I left.  Both Torbie and Biscuit loved sleeping on the towel. 

I gave it to the vet staff when I dropped Biscuit off, it worked, he was hiding in his cage but came out when they laid "his" towel on the bottom of the cage.  But he had a litter box accident and peed on the towel,  (I am just happy he was peeing and not blocked) so they washed it. 

Taking out all the scent.  Now it smelled like the vet. 

I didn't really think about that, I put it in the bed last night and Biscuit slept everywhere but that towel.  So, this morning, I washed it with scented detergent and a vinegar rinse.  That should get the vet smell out. 

I had to wash a lot of Ron's clothes and some of mine, they are all in the dryer. 

I woke up with a vicious headache, at 4, but 2 doses of Excedrin and some caffeine drinks have helped, I am fairly functional.  Biscuit and I had a very good cuddle, he is happy to be back and forgives me for boarding him. 

Ron had a blackout while I was gone so I am very glad I did board Biscuit. 

I decided to get rid of the towel; I got it going in the wash.  I am sure he will accept it once I get it fresh again. 

Poor baby, a reminder of the vet to follow him around at home! 

About the only thing planned today: a Walmart delivery.  I have to check what I have and then plan accordingly.  I need to mix up some more special blend (Royal Canin plus Meow Mix) for most of the cats, Biscuit has plenty of food.  The vet liked I had included his treats and they were giving them, good.  I really wanted to make the boarding as happy an experience as possible. 

He got a very good report card from the vet - they do that on their boarding clients.  He got all A's. 

He is a good boy.  I'm just glad he forgave me. 

Oh, on an unrelated note: I believe #10 is also renting to Section 8 tenants, the ones he has had over the last several years have all been obnoxious, low-class, and ignorant.  The latest ones were no better.  In fact, the one older (50 ish) man keeps coming on my property (I am half a block away), trying to come in my garage (we opened the door and he hurried towards it, then saw us there and bolted), bothering paratransit drivers parked on my property, bothering Arturo (!), etc.  I was NOT happy with them. 

Since Ron fell 2x last year in the garage I had a policy of leaving the front door unlocked when I went out, so paramedics could enter if necessary for Ron (I should probably just give them a key), I wanted to feel better leaving him, that helpers would not have to break down our door to get at him if he needed help. 

But with this freak running all over my property (and I do understand sometimes people directly next door will come on my property, but someone half a block away?!), I didn't feel comfortable doing it.  He had already showed a willingness to trespass IN my property so I had no doubt he would enter through an unlocked door.  I started locking it again. 

Now it appears he is leaving, you get to recognize "moving crap" and there is a lot at the curb today.  It looks like he is on the way out.  Thank God.  I stay off their property, why can't they respect me?  I am not asking for much. 

Ugh.  I hate renters.  I can't think of one who has lived around me who was what I would consider a nice, respectful, quality, person. 


Unknown said...

So glad you had a good trip and that you decided to board Biscuit.

Heather Knits said...

It was money well spent. Even sober, Ron cannot see Biscuit straining on the box, an acute sign. The vet could, so it was an easy call. And he was fine.

Even more important, I know Biscuit CAN be left at the vets, the other cats can be left at home for a few days, while we go to the conference.

I did find it funny how everyone rushed to use the litter box when I got home. Quite a welcome.

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't generalize all section 8 recipients as low class. My daughter has just been blessed with section 8 benefits as she is trying to recover from bad choices. I know you believe in God, there is also an enemy who is trying to destroy people. He has his hooks in her but good. She is trying to turn things around. Section 8 people are still people. Beth Chapman from Dog, the Bounty Hunter said something to the effect; don't judge my journey, you didn't live my past.

Heather Knits said...

When all the section 8 tenants trash the place... one after another... cause problems, hoard, bring rats, bring drama, loud late night parties, don't work, trash the neighborhood (throw trash in my yard, etc), have undisciplined, neglected dogs that bark constantly and tear up property...when the section 8 apartment complexes are the worst in town, SO bad one near work has a police station inside...and crime is still very bad. a neighbor can make CONCLUSIONS that a Section 8 tenant may not be a good idea next door.

I am all for helping someone get on their feet. But many of them bite the hand that is pulling them up. The landlady has concluded on her own (she is very strong willed) that Section 8 tenants are a BAD idea. I am happy she has made that conclusion.

I hope the daughter is quiet, I know she will take care of the property because it belongs to her parents and she would never hear the end of it if she didn't.

Anonymous said...

Well she does generalize them just like she does every other “group” :(. I also have a relative who lived in section 8 for many years (she had mental illness just like Heather)

Heather you are only seeing the effects on ONE house. You can’t generalize all section 8 recipients that way. Many are literally trying to get on their feet and have nowhere to turn. Show some compassion and don’t punish people before they’ve had a chance to do anything wrong.

Heather Knits said...

No, it is NOT just one house, it is likely two. They have a for rent sign.. I will call the second house and see if they "take housing" the slang they use here. Plus I lived next to a notorious Section 8 complex for years.

I lived near a NOTORIOUS Section 8 complex, the "Haverstock Hills" - the ones I mentioned that were so bad they have a POLICE FORCE ON SITE. The mail man LOCKS HIMSELF IN A CAGE to deliver the mail. I lived near there for 3 years because it was close to work. Constant trouble with those residents, all of them, gang members swarming the paratransit vehicle when we go to make a pickup before/after work, etc. Cabs refused to make pickups at all.
Young men coming over to my apartment complex to steal mail...very high crime rate in the whole area and just a miserable place to live. Gang activity so bad they had to pass ordinances about where residents could congregate. Go ahead and google it.

So I can say I have literally dealt with quite a few Section 8 people. Yes, you may have a nice relative using it but if she goes in a complex and not a single rental in a "nicer" apartment complex she will feel like she's gone to hell.

ALL the section 8 housing projects here are so notorious the city has talked about shutting them down... and housing the thug/ignorant residents in nicer subdivisions, hoping suburban neighbors will "tame" them and make them behave. From what I have seen that is not likely and will just run down the subdivision.

A piece of property is for sale near my neighborhood. In my nightmares they convert it to low income housing. People who are not motivated to work tend to wander, join gangs, and get into trouble. That is a simple fact. Especially if they are younger. That, I have seen, has been the problem.

A good example of one of my "typical" section 8 renters was a young girl, about 14, lived with two adults and two young boys. A young man used to pull up in the driveway and honk every night, she would go out wearing something skimpy, they would have sex in the car, he would put the used condom in a baggie and throw it in my yard. I put one of them on the "father's" windshield, thinking surely that would outrage him and he would make it stop. Remember she was about 14 so this is rape. She got pregnant, he stopped visiting, she was a single mom at 15 living in her section 8 housing with her parents because they never taught her she was more than that and deserved a man who would respect her, slay dragons for her, get his ass up and WORK for her, etc. Who would provide for their children. No, he drove off and that was the end of it. I used to feel so bad for her and the little boy, pushing the stroller around the neighborhood every afternoon. The family was very loud, obnoxious, ignorant and not ideal neighbors by any stretch. And that's what I've had a steady diet of for 15 years... one after another, at least 5. Plus whoever's down the street AND the Haverstock Hills population for 3 years.

This is not a one off. I reach my conclusions after a lot of data, but once I have made them it is impossible to scold, shame, or shake your finger at me into changing my mind. I am happy your relatives are not homeless, I will suggest if they are still living you buy them the Vipertech stun gun off Amazon for $10.

Anonymous said...

Move then

Anonymous said...

Just a thought, have you thought about moving to a different neighborhood where you would live around people more to your liking; people who are equal to you; maybe the same financial and social status? That would make sense being that the section 8 ilk is beneath you, or do I have the wrong impression of you? With all the issues you have overcome, it seems you would be the one with the most compassion for others especially those down on their luck. How can you minister the word to others and pass out bibles when you have so much contempt? I do wish you all the best.

Heather Knits said...

Why should I move? Everyone always says that when I end the argument of are my neighbors assholes... tell me to move. I DON'T DRIVE. I have to be on a bus line. I HAVE to be in paratransit, near doctors, hospitals, pharmacy for Ron, etc. Wheelchair accessible. My home meets my needs.

I will, on occasion, bitch about HORRIBLE NEIGHBORS. Then I am done and move on, I don't brood.

98% of my neighbors are awesome, some even offered me rides if I needed them (huge). I love them, I don't care what race they are. 99% of them are very quiet (except #6 and various tenants at #2), and I really appreciate that. And I repay it, I am super quiet and don't ever bother them, go on their property, let my cats outside, etc. I keep my property tidy. I like to think I am a good neighbor and one of my good neighbors actually told me she liked me (as a resident) because I was quiet, "Unlike that trash next door to you". I am not the only one out there bitching about neighbors.

There is nothing in the Bible that says I must enjoy trespassers, animal abusers, loud noise late at night, ignorant people causing drama that keeps me up at night, little girls getting f*cked in cars and their fathers don't care, etc. In the case of the girl, I should be outraged. That had a horrible ending for her and the baby. And once the young men saw she "gave it" (had a baby so sexually active) they wouldn't leave her alone bothering her.

I want a basic standard of decency. Things most people would want. I will get into that later.

Anonymous said...

Surely that isn’t the only home on the bus line and near hospitals and doctors you don’t even go to. But I suspect it’s more fun to complain about being in a neighborhood full of cat haters who ALL want to murder your cats.

98% of your blog posts contain complaints about your horrible heathen neighbors that are sub humans compared to you and Ron. So, move.

Heather Knits said...

I am going to send your advice right back to you; if you don't like what you're reading delete the bookmark. Done.

ENOUGH want to abuse my cats, and I stopped that by bringing the cats in. But there are other cats out there and God knows what is happening to them. If YOU feel OK living around children who abuse animals (a precursor to serial killers) that is on you... but I think most would be uncomfortable at best. Even if they didn't have pets.

I have a helpless cripple in a wheelchair I have to look out for, as well.

WHY SHOULD *I* HAVE TO MOVE? I didn't do anything wrong, I am an ideal neighbor. I am quiet, respectful, don't steal parking, pay my taxes, keep the exterior in good repair, generous at Halloween, etc. I return misdelivered mail. I don't bother anyone (cannot say the same in return for some of them). I am friendly when spoken to and fairly agreeable.

But ignorant people love to tell me I MUST uproot the life I have built to move in (with what money?) among unknown people, in an unknown neighborhood, that may or may not actually meet our needs, with money I DON'T have - because to them that is EASIER than admitting I have legitimate complaints. One idiot actually told me I should buy #6 "like he did with his problem neighbor".

And I am dead serious, if you think I am "always" complaining you are free to leave. I get over 10K hits a month and I don't NEED your traffic. I don't make a penny from the blog - the only one making money is Google, who owns Blogger. You can, in fact, start your own blog if you so choose. But you can stop with YOUR judging.

I am not stupid, I know many come here to look down on me and judge the decisions I have made, my loyalty, etc. Some were even going to their own private message board for a while (dozens of them, daily) and gossiping about me When I called them on it "Oh, we're just worried, but if you're going to *be like that* we will leave" and they did, or got better at hiding their trail.

I accept that. But constantly coming here and throwing rocks at me? It gets old. I carry a HELL of a load and I don't need it. So STFU.

Anonymous said...

I’m sure all your neighbors and future serial killers are just clamoring to abuse your cats! Sounds legit. They probably meet every month to discuss ways to accomplish this.

If you don’t like the honest feedback on the public posts you put out there then turn off the comments.

Heather Knits said...

Well, "Anonymous" - you will note I have the balls to publish under MY FULL NAME. I will let your moronic reply post, I had meant to delete but hit the wrong button. I could fix it, but I won't.

Sometimes I wonder if every reader is a moron like this, who wishes me ill. They would for certain NOT want my life yet are so quick to judge it.

I do get GOOD supportive comments most times so I leave them on. People who understand I have made the only choices I could, to live with myself. Who actually love and want to protect those they love and care about.

Say I'm a "midas" every cat I touch turns to fat - Ron says we are and I tend to agree. Call me crazy... call me hopelessly romantic, dedicated, loyal beyond reason - guilty of all of that.

The rest of it, pffft.

Heather Knits said...

Here is a definitive link on the subject.

100% - ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of murdering sexual sadists abused animals as a child, plus plenty more of those pesky "facts".