Saturday, September 7, 2019

Most of Saturday

Well, I felt better today.  I found Ron asleep in his wheelchair, in the kitchen, about 2 hours before our pickup.  I got him back to bed for a little bit and got ready. 

I got ready, got him ready, out the door to the warehouse.  He had some trouble getting in and out of vehicles today but he did it - it wasn't pretty but he did it. 

I got some cat litter at Sam's club, and what a pain in the ass.  I had to get it on the cart, into the truck, out of the truck, into the building, off to the side while I worked, take Ron out, take the litter out and leave it at the curb (the weight and the fact it was a cat care item pretty much sealed no one would take it, in that neighborhood), into the vehicle to go home, out  of the vehicle, into the garage... next time I am using Chewy and they can deliver directly to the door.  But I did get the litter. 

I also got other stuff we needed.  Ron wanted a lemonade - he has been craving it lately (scurvy?) and he liked the pink lemonade offering at the soda bar.  He had some of that and wanted a hot dog from the deli. 

He ate the whole thing.  Jack came and got us, we went to work.  I also bought Jack a hot dog as he loves them, and he was very happy to see it.   Praise God we had an uneventful ride, I did get a little leaky during "Patches" on the radio. 

I got Ron unloaded and into the building.  He said he wasn't feeling well.  Queasy.  So I got him my bucket.  I have a bucket at home, and at work, for times like this.  He hung out with his bucket in a quiet area until we left. 

He was miserably queasy, like I was yesterday.  He moaned and groaned a lot.  I imagine one day I will miss that but I don't much care for it now.  I did my work (not much) and sat down with Tiny but Mighty, my cat book, for a while.  I saw the other vendor's wife and our mutual repairman.  I said hello.  Time to go. 

I gave Ron a very cold gingerale.  I was trying to think what would I want and that came to mind.  He had a few sips but not much. 

I found out later he called dispatch and said he felt very bad, about to vomit, but had a bucket and needed a straight ride home.  They actually hired a private cab (about $40) to take us home direct.  It also took the weight off the fleet if Ron did get sick in the vehicle. 

But I took Ron out first.  Then I took the litter out and left it at the ramp.  Took the cart back in, put it away - thinking "Next time I am using Chewy". 

Came out to find a cab pulling up, got Ron over there.  Cab driver dressed very casual.  I didn't realize it was a private cab and sat in the front seat once I got Ron and the litter put up. 

Ron clutched his bucket, moaning, as we went home.  We arrived home.  I put the litter next to the garage door and got Ron in his wheelchair.  We opened the garage door.  I put the litter away, then got Ron.  I took Ron in the house.  He wanted a drink of soda but it made him sicker.  I got him into bed with his bucket. 

He is sleeping now.  Oh, he's awake.  Let me see if he needs anything.   He wanted a blanket and some of the Walmart Electrolyte Lemonade with caffeine in it.  He loves that stuff.  I put it in his fridge, it is really easy to make, put a packet in a bottle of water.  We tend to give away our bottles of water, and just drink tap, but times like this that bottle does come in handy. 

It was not cold so he is just chilled.  He has a pretty nasty bug.  Sadly, it will probably take him a day or two to get over it and then back to work.  We also need to do the accounting report but I guess that will have to wait a day. 

The cats are good, the old guard took a nap with me once I got Ron settled.  Biscuit hogs the covers but we worked something out.  Mama and Spotty were hungry when I got up, I gave them another can of wet and some dry.  Cleo rubbed against my leg when I wasn't looking.  She's a cutie, they all are. 

I could never see how a person could end up with so many cats, but Mama and her kids are so bonded it would be cruel to separate them, per my vet no one wants the Mama cat anyway, the kittens were practically feral, not good odds anywhere else.  They are all doing nicely now, very sweet and getting cuddly. 

Biscuit's special food is supposed to arrive today.  Not sure if he will like it (crossing paws), worst case if he hates it I will give it to the vet.  She probably sees a fair amount of cats with this condition and could put it to some good use. 

Now I am off to look at litter on Chewy because I am not going through today again.  What a PITA and the sort of thing that makes me so angry at my birth mother for messing up my brain so I can't drive! 

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