Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wednesday night

Last week Ron asked me to buy him some lemon cakes.  They are two bite sized tea cakes with icing.  Very good and tasty.  Ron literally ate two and was done... and the package had dozens.  I am glad they are gone now. 

Every time I see the video pic from today I see my belly and that's where they went!  No regrets but I won't buy them again.  They also give me headaches but not awful. 

I am drinking some orange juice after a caffeine drink trying to eliminate them.  Biscuit is lying by my foot. 

I fed some Special Blend (Half Meow Mix Basted tuna and chicken, half Royal Canin Adult formula) to the cats, everyone liked that except Biscuit which is good.  He has his dry which is apparently very tasty to him.  Thank God. 

I remember poor old Mr Gray and how much he hated his Science Diet back in the 90's.  He literally died because we could not find a good food for him back then. 

But now cats with FLUTD have Royal Canin, wet food, even special treats which he also loves (they are going in his "go bag" when we overnight at the vet next week).  He seems very happy overall.  I am glad I have served him well. 

I need to clean the boxes but not sure how many, Ron wants to "help" (eek) so that may be interesting.  I may make a video for that. 

I will not do the computer room boxes as they are too dense.  Plus he is pretty comfortable in bed with his cat.  He didn't help, I did them all. 

On a totally unrelated note, I need to think about dinner.  I had a pretty good nap today and my headache is finally gone after 2 glasses of orange juice.  I asked Ron and he is a pulp man.  That is good to know.  I remember he liked all the same foods I did, when we were dating.  No mushrooms or olives on a pizza. 

I am going to go ahead and do the boxes...they reek.  And Ron and I had a discussion about air freshener sprays.  He detests them.  I like them at times, especially when I have a "loud" litter box. 

That's what my ignorant drivers say, they don't know "strong" is the adjective to use with a scent, "loud" is for sounds.  They just call it all "loud".  Which could be confusing.  "It is so loud in here!"  The smell, or the sound? 

Off to scoop.  That's done.  I"m the champ! 

Spotty peed in the box right after I finished.   Happily, IN. 

Ron is doing his whole "Occupy: Kitchen" thing where he sits in the wheelchair drinking.  I find it tedious, he used to just take a couple of chugs off the bottle and go back to bed, now it has to be a whole experience listening to the radio on headphones and lingering over the bottle. 

That wouldn't be a problem but we have a tiny kitchen (about 40 square feet) and there is no room for me in the kitchen when he is in his wheelchair.  We did not think about Ron back in the wheelchair when we were looking at the house.  So I either have to kick him out or wait for him to finish. 

I need to eat so I can take my pills, I had planned to use my hot water kettle and make some cup of noodles.  "Roast" chicken flavor.  As opposed to just plain chicken.  Maybe there is a difference. 

I will kick him out for a few minutes and then he can go back after I get my dinner out.    That worked pretty well and then he decided to go to bed about halfway through my cup of noodles. 

He had some trouble getting into bed, I will work on organizing his room tomorrow, he doesn't like me to touch things but he needs clear access.  Some things, like his wheelchair and the chair he uses for support, cannot be moved, but other things on the floor can. 

I worry (not much) I will come home on Tuesday and find him on the floor injured.  I will have a few talks with him about portion control and hope for the best, but I can't live my life on what might happen if he drinks too much. 

One memorable time I came home and found him on the floor covered in blood - another time - those pictures are gone - I woke up and found a trail of blood leading from a pool of blood in the kitchen to his bedroom.  I heard him snoring so I knew he was OK but that was probably the worst.  And he keeps drinking.  And that happened when I was home. 

I can't protect him from himself but I try. 


Anonymous said...

I wonder what they would do with a baby sized, not child sized, swimming pool full of giant litter box.

Heather Knits said...

They would have a good time! But I like having it spread around in various boxes so multiple cats can go at the same time. Cleo, for instance, is very shy.

I always thought it would be cool to take a cat to the beach, but not now with other people being cruel and flesh eating bacteria.