Friday, September 20, 2019

Stingy mode

I'm glad I didn't order that chair, or a big Chewy order. 

I did find that Walmart carries the Meow Mix basted bites the cats enjoy mixed in their Royal Canin.  I did order that for delivery today because that will be used quickly. 

But I am going into stingy mode.  It has been several years, ironically, since the remodel that caused the destruction, since I have had to do it. 

But I can live pretty cheap.  I have plenty of rice, lentils, seasoning.  I have plenty of TV dinners for Ron.  I can do interesting things with a pound of hamburger.  And I will certainly have time to cook. 

Ron was moping and I told him I could absolutely do homecare for someone else.  Laundry, litter box, etc.  Recently (before all this) I told him I could probably have a thriving business just going around cleaning litter boxes.  People love kitty meow meow but not so much the mess. 

It's a challenge and I am up for it, but, as one reader pointed out, Ron's going to get really bad with the drinking, laying around in bed all day worried about money.  But alcohol costs money and I am hoping he will curtail just for that. 

He will do much better if he goes to the McCormick, it has a vile taste he says and is far cheaper than the name brand vodka he uses now. 

I told him I would take a pay cut, we will have to do that.  But, again, I can live pretty cheap.  I have cat food and litter, the means to get more, so not too worried there.  And I am hopeful they will make the repairs quickly and we will go back to normal.  Our medication is cheap so no worries on that. 

I am just frustrated that someone's incompetence led to all this. 


Heidi said...

File for temporary unemployment you are both eligible for it when your wages are cut do to work issues you can file for partial and I will tell you that partial will help you buy some groceries and cat food for sure.

It is complicated but you can ask for help most of it is online now but if you tell them you are disabled you can get someone to help you file.

You are exactly what unemployment is for ..if the roof falls in literally !
Be strong you go this shit ! He is going to do what he does no matter what and you get your day at the beach and feed some seagulls you never go anywhere special this is really nice for you to get away regardless of what else is going on or what others feel ..go blow the stink off! And come back refreshed.

Heather Knits said...

Oh, we'll be OK, I have faith in that. I will just have to be thoughtful about purchases. I don't think we get unemployment if we are self employed, but I will look into it. I know I don't get federal unemployment as I married the boss.

Heather, you gold digger!