Wednesday, September 18, 2019

I did a short video blog

I don't have a webcam so I used the phone. 

I didn't mention this in the video but our big storm has been a few days of light drizzle so far. 

Some nice shots of the cats and you can see how Cleo is progressing. 


Anonymous said...

Glad you are back to vlogging. Miss when you used to bray laugh. 😂

Anonymous said...

America's Funniest Videos always tells users to shoot your video with the phone sideways so it fills the screen.

Heather Knits said...

A little depressed today so no laugh...but I will be sure to do another when I'm manic.

Sideways, got it. I am catching up with a lot.

Heidi said...

Loved it love you good you are posting vlogs again! Sorry you are depressed, isnt it wonderful however having insight into your own illness you know while you feel like shit now in such and such time you will be “up “ enough and you plan your activities. How many people do not take meds and run rogue through life in a manic state .....many are homeless here where I live and they run depressed and manic you can see it along with the affects of drugs and alcohol . Anyway so good to see you ! And good for you for taking care of yourself mentally