Friday, September 6, 2019

Oh, I am violently queasy

I slept OK but woke up tired, a little mixty right now with the mood.  I had already taken my shower last night so I got ready, got Ron ready, off to work. 

I got to work changing prices as Ron started on sodas; which of course meant I was pulled off my work several times to help.  I got it done, then I had to stock.  Ron was done by this point so he went in the hall (quiet) while I did my work.  His back was bothering him a lot so I gave him some Kratom and he took a pain pill.  I finally got it all done. 

Then I had to squash up a huge mountain of empty cardboard packaging for recycling.  That took a while and is probably my least favorite part of the job.  I got that done. 

Two last things, I took the cash out of the vending machines; then I put up the carts.  Now we're done.  My phone rang in 2 places the old phone never could, I am pretty impressed.  Ron says I sound fantastic and is happy I spent so little. 

I just need to find a list making app and then I am good. 

Anyway, we finished up and went to the bank.  I counted the money (barely enough for supplies) and we turned it into $20's.  Then we called Arturo. 

I wanted a treat after the day, it was very long and brain intensive because I had 3 different machines to program, all of them different.  So we went through a drive through.  I got a small combo meal.  We went home, I ate it. 

I had a yogurt on top of the combo meal (small fries, diet soda, hamburger), and then I took my pills.  I laid down.  I was pretty exhausted after the headache yesterday. 

I slept pretty good, I had Torbie and Biscuit.  Torbie only loves me in the bedroom.  :) 

I woke up pretty queasy.  I had a little diet soda left and I drank that, it sent me off the cliff with nausea.  Horribly queasy.  I have taken ginger root and some OTC nausea remedy but so far nothing is working. 

This happens, with lithium.  I know some people moan, cry, bitch, and drop their medication because they don't want to deal with the side effects.  We have a serious illness, some cancers have a better survival rate.  A QUARTER of us die from this illness.  That is a huge mortality rate, worse than breast cancer.  But we are seen as addicted drama queens so not a lot of public empathy, etc. 

But I have known for a very long time, even before I had a name for this - it wants to kill me.  I will not let it.  I would sure put up with nausea if I needed chemo to live.  This is no different. 

It will kill me, if I let it.  So glad I did take my pills. 

Mania's better at any rate.  My stepmother texted me, I am getting a package this weekend for my birthday, don't open.  OK.  Good thing she gave me a heads up. 

Speaking of gifts, everyone seems to really like the adult Royal Canin I requested for Mama Cat.  I let everyone but Biscuit eat it.  Obviously I wasn't in much shape to do wet food but the dry is great for days like this.  But I feed dry everyday in addition to the wet, I like them to have choices. 

Ron was very worried about Biscuit earlier because he didn't eat his (special) treats but he was very lively and ate his dry, then later did eat some treats.  I told Ron he was fine. 

I still need to do the litter boxes tonight.  Ugh.  I think I will try eating some canned vegetables and then do the litter.  I also need to check the mail.  I will get it all done.  And I would like to take a shower but it's a little late now so I will probably do it tomorrow. 

I figured out something on my phone I can use as a list app.  I am glad I figured that out.  I need to remember things for grocery lists.  Biscuit is eating more dry.  Definitely not worried about him! 

Off I go to have my can of corn for dinner. 

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