Friday, September 20, 2019

I feel like a bad mother

Torbie lost some fur on her neck from the Bravecto.  I will clarify here she is very old and it is not really a surprise she had a reaction. 

But the vet told me to put cortisone on it.  I don't have any and getting out would be problematic.  I will likely get a delivery tomorrow. 

I am also still waiting to hear if we will even be able to get into work tomorrow, apparently a third of the building came down (not in our area) so it's going to be a cluster for quite a while. 

NO idea how this will affect our income so I plan to be stingy spending for the short term. 

Walmart had a spot for today, I took it.  Ron was stricken when I told him about Torbie.  Between us, she is old, I am not surprised her system misfires.  She is not suffering which is the important mark for me. 

I got some cup of noodles (LOL) I like them and they are a super cheap meal.  I also got a bigger bag of the Meow Mix they like mixed with their Royal Canin.  I have a giant bag of the RC. 

That will also save me a Chewy order this pay period, although I need to get Spotty some more crinkle balls.  He loves those to play with.  I need to get him more, they are the foil looking crinkle balls. 

I will put them on his list.  He lost his while I was typing, I will hunt around for it. 

I did keep the Walmart delivery down pretty low AND they can come today.  So that is awesome.  I will be up anyway because I have to stay up for the phone call about us coming in the building.  It wouldn't be very professional to take a nap during that time.  So I will stay up. 

I have a couple diet sodas in me so I should stay up.  Should hear something in an hour or two. 

And the internet is down.  Not a surprise with the flooding - we just got some pretty significant rain in our area but it is tapering off.   It's back. 

Interesting the computer stayed on when the modem when down.  I will go watch TV for a while. 

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