Saturday, September 7, 2019

It's too early to tell...

But I think Biscuit really likes his new food.  I saw him eating it on 2 occasions.  Now I have a treat to take to the vet when I board him. 

Also, he is seeking out Mama cat (or Mommy, as we call her).  Mommy doesn't avoid him and seems to enjoy his company.  They look like a nice married couple laying down together (my phone is off, sorry).  They aren't touching but they are nearby and it's very sweet. 

Torbie was very pissed to find Mama cat in the computer room, but the way I see it, Torbie had her chance.  She did not come to me, Mamma did.  First come, first served. 

Mama is not allowed in my bedroom per Torbie and accepts that graciously.  I guess that doesn't go both ways. 

Ron vomited.  He is pretty sick but doesn't require anything.  I ordered some comfort foods (chicken soup, crackers, stuff I thought I had already but don't) to come tomorrow. 

I just hope he can work on Monday. 

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