Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sunday morning

Ron is definitely better, not sweating, or vomiting anymore.  He had some pineapple juice this morning and said he paid the gas bill. 

I slept pretty well, woke up with a modest headache but a caffeine drink chased it off.  I proudly served the new, salmon cat food.  And they hated it.  [curses]  I thought for sure they would like it, name brand, salmon as second ingredient, they loved the Walmart brand... but they barely ate half.  And that's 3 cats, eating half a 5 ounce can.  I thought I had a home run. 

I took care of Ron for a little bit, and took a shower.  I looked at some scrub tops online, they have some really cute cat ones.  Would that work with jeans?  Or is that a fashion police faux pas?  I don't know this stuff, opinions welcome. 

I got my email and then my next.  It was a driver I like, Lucas.  He is very friendly and has a great attitude. 

I went out front, a moving van in front of my house and people going in and out to #2.  One of the men saw me, I waved hello and said something like "Wow, you guys are so quiet!"  I went and sat in my chair, waiting for the delivery. 

#2 (the homeowner's wife and the landlady) comes stomping over.  "You said something to my people?"  I explained I said hello, and commented they were very quiet, it was nice.  She deflated a little at that.  She was looking for a fight this morning.  Happy to say I DID NOT give her one even though the moving van made it very hard for Lucas to pull into my driveway (and he had a 40 pound thing of litter neither of us wanted to carry up from the street!).  I explained I was simply waiting on my delivery, and reminded her we don't drive "I know that!". 

Looking for a fight!  So happy I did not rise.  She was OK with that, didn't really know about Walmart delivery I think.  Very surprised to hear about it.  So, I explained, they'll be here in a minute and I don't like to make them bang on the door. 

She was fine after that, probably thought I was "spying'.  She did look critically in my garage and was surprised to see the weightlifting gear.  Then she told me her daughter was moving in the house. 

My experience with the daughter has been good, I think she will be quiet, but it sure means I will have to be SUPER careful with complaints. 

About that time Lucas came so she left.  We chatted (Lucas and me) I unloaded the litter (so glad I can), put that away, he knows how I like things.  I like that he is careful.  I had crackers and he did not throw them around.  He would make a good butler.  :) 

He headed off and I shut the door to the outside, opened the door to the house - Ron was so right on that call - and started bringing things in the house.  Some of the cats ran out but it didn't matter because it was closed to the outside.  I got everything in and put it away. 

That is the huge thing for me with the mood, bring it in and put it away immediately.  It took me a long time to figure out.  I got it all stowed, hung up the bags on my hook where they will live again as poop bags.  Ron woke up and said he wants to do some work around 1.  I can do that. 

I got the shower and the delivery.  Everything else is just a bonus.  Ron paid the gas bill so I don't have to worry about that.  I took my pills. 

Mama cat is hanging out by my chair looking very cute.  Unlike the others, she is polite enough to move when I get up.  I am debating do I "starve" them on the salmon or do I give her some dry or a mixed grill? 

It is interesting she is so fond of the Walmart brands.

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