Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Wednesday afternoon

Woke up with a migraine today.  Aside from the towel washing I didn't do much, not even a shower.  I am doing a little better, though, enough to think about finishing the laundry. 

I am massively craving a cup of noodles for dinner but they are full of msg and thinking that's a really bad idea with a headache.  Oh, and I need to do up my pills, too. 

I took a nap with Torbie and Biscuit joined us, I'm glad he still loves me.  He's a good boy. 

Ron slept most of the day and just ate some dinner.  I made a Walmart delivery for tomorrow. 

I found it helpful to drink some really cold drinks:
Orange juice
Powerade zero
Diet Dr Pepper

They helped a lot with the pain.  I took 2 doses of Excedrin so I really don't want more on board.  I will get manic. 

That was my day, pretty much.  I am still working on Cleo.  She is afraid of me but loves Ron and runs to him for petting and treats.  But I took her to the vet, twice, so she isn't really fond of me. 

But I got to thinking about something Ron has said, ongoing, over the years.  He believes most couples do not plan pregnancies, they have a birth control failure and "step up".  I disagree, I know some people who have had fertility issues and planned pregnancies, got treatment, IVF, etc. 

Ron's parents had 4 kids, and never a one after Ron who was born blind.  It was - apparent when he was born and they have no baby pictures as a result which I found very sad.  But there was never a child after Ron and I believe the doctors sterilized his mother with her permission.  They had a tiny house (about the size of mine) so no room anyway.  As it is they had the parents in one bedroom, the girls in one, and Ron and his brother in another.  And they were tiny bedrooms so no room. 

Which I already said.  He never wanted children of his own.  He talked briefly about us having kids when we were dating but he had already been fixed and medicare wasn't paying for reversal surgery,. by the time we would have saved enough for that I would have lost my fertility! 

But I had been a daycare worker in the church nursery for several years (even with the history of mental illness, the kids really liked me), kids are a LOT of work and you have to watch them every minute.  So no thanks. 

Ron had had some pregnancy scares over the years so he was careful - got himself fixed in the 80's.  Interestingly enough Medicaid DID NOT pay for that and Ron had to save up $400 for the procedure.  It was done outpatient and he was out walking around that night.  It was a while, he said, before he had sex and they warned him to use something for a couple of months. 

He told me once he figured it worked because he never got me pregnant.  Who's to say I could even get pregnant?  I had a couple of incidents where I may have had a miscarriage but nothing certain. 

Pregnancy would have been horrible for my illness, by all accounts my mother had a hideous post partum after birthing me.   Sleep deprivation is really bad, Ron is right when he says I get "mean" when sleep deprived. 

My guess is most couples agree to go off birth control and "try".  If they can't get pregnant after a few years they may "try" harder, accept it, or look into adoption.  Ron thinks most couples are actively practicing birth control, or a woman lies about using it to get pregnant and "trap" a man.  I disagree. 

I will tell him your opinions if you care to share them.  I don't have a side, really.  I think most children are wanted. 

I finished the laundry and now need to do up my pills and I am done for the day.  I also want to look at Amazon for some items. 

That's it for now. 


Heidi said...

I think Ron has a misogynistic view how reproduction works, the whole “baby trap” is an over blown myth and men who believe that BS never seem to stick around.. It is hard to generalize but as a healthcare provider, i find inmy experience, men are tough to get to use condoms and girls find it difficult to bring up. Men no matter how much we educate, still seem to think women are the only ones who control reproduction. I think there are so many variables it is hard to generalize. I myself, had one child planned and the other was a broken condom very happy accident. I was already married .. I do believe most folks plan families .

Anonymous said...

I didn't plan my daughter, I was married though. Her dad abandoned us when she was 3 months old and I've been doing it by myself. Still having issued with her and she is grown. I never wanted kids, I used birth control, but not the pill.

Heather Knits said...

I am sure you were a great mom. Ron knew a gal who got pregnant on the sponge and he figured on his own the only way he could ensure he wouldn't be a father was to get snipped, and he went out and did it.

It was great (has been) for me as I have never had to worry about birth control. By the time he dies I will be sterile so it won't matter.

But feel free to yell at me if I start talking about dating.