Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sunday afternoon

I'm watching Cleo in the litter box marveling at how God put all the behavior into cats instinctively.  Sniff, dig, dig some more... they sure like digging in my boxes. 

I found the old "Crazy circle" cat toy and put that out, someone is enjoying it.  Cleo and Spotty are having a great time with it.  Good.  And I already bought it. 

I did warn Ron about it - I have a bad tendency lately to type his name as Roin - in case they push it in his path of travel.  Not much gets him upset about the house but he does object to items in his path of travel.  The cats love to drag my shoes out from under the couch and strew them in the walkway. 

Still no comment from the email to my former pastor.  I guess that is my answer, he doesn't want to go on the record for or against mental illness medication.  Even though he has stood up before the webcam and said it is "bad" and "addictive" on many occasions. 

Oh, well.  Moving on.  Ron was very interested in the church down the road (not the prosperity one, a small "cute" church on the bus line).  I will send them an email and ask a few questions.  I just want a place I can lean on a shoulder now and then without getting - what I had. 

Pete was so outraged on my behalf and I didn't even tell him about Justin.  You may remember years ago Ron had a blackout after Sandy Hook, fell out of his wheelchair, very upset and extremely drunk on the floor.  I wrote about my frustration. 

God said horrible things are going to happen in the end times, Ron has believed we are in the end times for at least 30-40 years now.  So why is it such a shock when it does happen? 

I admit I have a huge callus, but nothing in my view is ever going to trump sitting in front of the TV watching the guy shoot up my Dad's office, seeing people brought out in body bags and wondering if one was my Dad, not knowing for hours until he came home (before cell phones). 

Interestingly enough, Dad was meeting with my doctor.  Had I been well he would have been right in the middle of it. 

So pretty much any shooting just rolls off me after that.  Anyway, I did the embarrassing to admit thing and made a reference to drunks on my Facebook, Justin looked up the post.  A while later he felt "convicted to come and talk to us".  Which led to a man with a failed marriage and NO custody coming to my house and lecturing myself and my husband about "righteous living" with, he said, the blessing of the pastor.  I believe he did have it. 

Had Pete known about THAT... and it made me realize, that really sucked.  That was wrong, what they did.  If the pastor had a problem with Ron drinking there was a better way to do it, have a private talk one on one instead of sending a lackey to bring that into my house.  I could understand the lecture about drinking, Ron does have a problem and drinking to excess is a sin.  But telling Ron he was "making' me depressed was wrong.  That's my brain, like I told Ron, as long as I am not sleep deprived I am OK. 

It may be hard to believe, but I really believe Ron does what he can to respect me.  And that includes respecting my sleep. 

Lastly was the telling me I couldn't blog anymore, just light and inconsequential "mommy" blog type posts.  "Cleo pooped so much today!  P-U! (emoji face)".  No thanks.  I deal with real issues every day and this helps me process.  Someone recently said I had good insight.  This helps a lot with that.  No one has the right to take that tool away - except Google, who owns Blogger.  And they are getting 10K hits a month off this so they are not in a hurry to delete me. 

So I am glad I didn't tell Pete but yeah, that happened. 

I worked that out- and I noticed they do not have the pastor's email on the church page anymore.  But I'm pretty sure he would check it regularly. 

Anyway, DONE with that.  I cleaned the boxes, took all that out (quite a harvest) and took a shower.  I like to take a shower after I do the box.  I did not have to shave my legs.  Yay, me.  I used the clarifying shampoo because my hair felt a little greasy. 

That's one thing I always try to have, shampoo.  And toilet paper. 

Did that, got dressed, told Ron I was about to leave.  "Wait, let me give you some money for a cab".  The bad dog's fence is sagging somewhat so I was happy to get it.  Arturo was a while away, I waited.  I would rather wait on a good driver I can trust. 

I remembered Arturo's present.  He's like me, he took it (it was in a mailing envelope) and felt it, played with the package a little, then drove me to my destination.  I like to toy with my gift for a while before I open it. 

My one from my parents turned out to be a capsule machine.  That will be useful.  Oh, and apparently the internet slang thing to do is call Ron's herbal remedy 'tea".  It doesn't get people in trouble calling it tea so I will call it tea from now on.  I can buy tea powder and make capsules out of it. 

Although Ron would be happy buying capsules, he doesn't go through a lot so they last a while. 

I got to the bank, waited in line.  The guy in front of me brought his wife and 2 little girls to the bank.  He had a very phony looking check.  I had to wait behind him in line and when I got up to the window it's a straight deposit.  He was still "at it" at the next window when I left. 

I guess he thought bringing his family would lend him credibility or make him more sympathetic to the teller.  I know someone who worked as a teller and the same thing happened - a guy brought in "rolls of dimes" kept talking about his sick wife.  She gave him the money for the "dimes" and when they processed them they were pennies.  She didn't want to question him, she said, because she felt bad about the sick wife, but scammers will use anything to get one over. 

My account has been hacked a few times but that is it.  I went in and reported it, one time they called me and asked if I wanted a transaction approved.  So I really like them. 

The teller made a point of thanking me sincerely as I left, I thought that was sweet.  Now I don't have to worry about Walmart deliveries for a while.  I did tell Ron I got him more Meclizine and he was thrilled.  He gets miserably carsick. 

I went to the grocery store I don't trust.  I don't trust them with perishables, I would buy fruits, veggies, cold soda, snack and canned cat food from them but not much else.  I got about $11 worth of stuff, that including 3 sodas. 

I called Arturo, happily he was still around.  He opened the gift while waiting and liked it.  Good.  I talked to Ron, who had called me.  We hung up about the time Arturo showed.  We went home.  We passed the little church I am thinking about. 

We got home and I went inside.  Ron was hungry.  He also wanted to listen to music.  Music has a profound effect on him these days.  He gets very emotional.  I put him in front of my computer and turned the speakers up, he had a good time except for the music making him sad.  Then we found a song that makes him laugh and played that.  I had a snack, took my pills, and laid down for a nap. 

Ron was very quiet but something happened during my nap (he did not have a toilet issue) where I needed to clean him up, not sure what happened but I had plenty of wet wipes.  I would really rather not know. 

I put the crazy circle cat toy in the front room, that was a big hit.  And I just remembered I had meant to buy some new soap today.  Well, fooey.  I had some Zest I will use tomorrow. 

Ron is asleep.  He made our rides for tomorrow.  I am not dreading work because we can easily enter the building now. 

And Cleo even let me pat her so not a bad day! 


Anonymous said...

You haven’t given the pastor long enough to respond to your email. People who maintain high traffic email boxes sometimes take time to respond especially if they aren’t primarily at their computer for their job. Today is Sunday and I would assume he’s doing service among other things. Give it some more time.

Heather Knits said...

The church isn't that big and he has an Iphone, he has talked about it during sermons. I didn't get a daemon message that the box was closed...It was mainly to give the pastor a heads up why Pete was coming after him, Pete was really outraged just at the medication thing.

Heather Knits said...

One last thing, when I sent him lighter emails, about Bible handouts, he got back to me in an hour or two every time.

Anonymous said...

Maybe because those were easier to respond to? Maybe he is waiting to sit down and reply to this bigger one? Just trying to have hope I guess lol. But if he ignores it I would just let it go and go elsewhere for sure. His non reply would speak volumes. Email other churches on the bus line to find out if they align with your beliefs.

Heather Knits said...

Well, you read it, I basically said this is why I stopped coming, it is my understanding you feel thusly, and he has not come back and said "That is wrong, I will get back to you in more detail later".

Nothing today either. I have to think the lack of a reply means I was right. If someone sent me an email or reply saying "I don't think you believe in mental illness medication" I would of course say "You are wrong" immediately.