Saturday, September 14, 2019

Most of Saturday

I slept utterly horribly.  I got up, fed the cats, took a shower.  I helped Ron get dressed and we headed out.  Another new driver, this one was nice enough.  We got to the warehouse and I got Ron inside, got my flatbed cart. 

It was a pretty standard day until checkout when the cashier told me I had $200 rewards.  I asked if she could give them to me in cash (LOL).  She very seriously told me to go to the customer service counter.  So, I did that. 

Ron was quite baffled to be gifted $220.  It is his business = his money.  He has given me hundreds for vet bills lately so I don't feel owed.  He had been so awful the day they "made" us sign up for the plus membership.  The same manager was present, she came over and told Ron to enjoy the cash.  He was still pretty baffled.  I told him some credit cards do that, too.  He put it away. 

Jack came and we went to work, got everything unloaded.  Nothing needed work.  Ron sorted 2 buckets of change so we had change.  When we pull it out of the machine it is mixed up, quarter, dime, nickel.  We have a machine that sorts it out by type.  But it does take a little time to sort it out and it takes up a corner of the stockroom. 

The other vendor does not want Ron sorting change when he is there, and it isn't really practical when the employees (other guy's) are there either, the only time everyone is gone is Saturday, so he did that for a while.  We are nearly always there Saturday anyway. 

So he did that, two big buckets, filled up the changer (turns coins into bills) and stored the buckets in a lock box. 

He "looked" at me and asked what I had to do.  I told him nothing.  So we left early. 

When we got home the computer room had been trashed, one of the cats got up on my desk, knocked things off, walked on my keyboard, etc.  I didn't mind, they are just being cats. 

But that is why I can't have a nice vase of cut flowers.  And I used to love flowers.  Ron would go with me to the store and say "Pick out some flowers".  Very sweet.  I was very partial to daisies and carnations BUT I can't do it now.  The cats would wreck the flowers. 

I said something the other day about his accident, and Ron said one thing he remembers is his feet always hurt all the time, and now he "gets to" ride around in the wheelchair instead, he vastly prefers it.  I never saw it that way but a very good attitude.  That is one thing about Ron, I don't see him feeling sorry for himself (unless he is having a pain flare, and who wouldn't?)

He did call me some names about my decision to seek union assistance to get the stalker to leave us alone.  Said it "embarrassed" him.  Well, you may be fine but I'm not and there is no need for him to keep bothering us.  Ron has said he is "good fine" whatever dozens of times.  The fact he is in a wheelchair and doing NO heavy lifting should belie that.  You ran him over, deal with it.  I have to deal with what you did, so do you.  We have a lot in common actually but that does NOT give him a pass.  I forgive him, but I want him to leave us alone.  It is a reasonable request, I had to state it to two people and they nodded when I said it.  They are plainspoken enough at work they would have told me if they thought I was unreasonable. 

And it's very reasonable to ask to be left alone.  He does not work in our area.  I would deal if I had to serve his breakroom.  But I don't.  He stays out of our area but does "catch" us on the floor sometimes. 

And I am DONE talking about him, they asked him and surely he will leave us alone now. 

So, done with that. 

The great chair saga.  I am liking my Adironack plastic chair.  It is comfortable and I like the arms, I can put things on the arms.  Very nice.  I also like my folding chair I am sitting in now, it is a basic folding chair fame with a "holes in plastic" design that has a little flex to it.  I got it at Sam's club.  I am thinking I sit in this thing for hours a day with no complaints; maybe just buy another one.  It is sturdy and would fit in the space.  I wouldn't have any assembly, either. 

The Ikea chairs (back to them) are very cute and stylish, rated for my weight (about 220), but do require assembly, I either have to wrangle a ride to Ikea or pay for delivery.  And they don't have the armrest I can set things on. 

I went to Chair King - a store in Houston, and almost had a heart attack.  They had thousand dollar patio chairs.  One chair, a thousand dollars.  On sale.  That is utterly insane. 

Some of the other websites had the Adironack chair but they required assembly and a little more than I wanted to pay anyway. 

So I will go look at Amazon.  They already have my information so it would be easy to buy and I know they are awesome about shipping. 

I did ask a question on Facebook I will ask here. 

Cleo has meowed at me today and rubbed against my legs a couple times with her tail up.  Yesterday she let me give her a couple pats on the rump.  I forget what day but she got on something behind my chair and played with my hair.  She lays near me at times when I am on the computer. 

All wonderful news. 

But: do I do the old "pet them even though she doesn't like it" routine advised by pretty much EVERYONE online?  These are the same ones who said I couldn't socialize Spotty, who seeks out petting from both of us now. 

Even Kitten Lady said to do a TNR.  Had I lived around decent human beings I might have done that.  It's not safe outside and she deserves to be with her family, I have high hopes for her. 

She flinches when I pet her, and then runs off a little.  She watches my hands when she's near me. 

Or do I leave her be and let her come to me on her own?  Ron and I are leaning that way, I don't see how chasing her is going to benefit our relationship.  I don't have to take her to the vet for a year.  She is touching me on her own already. 

But I'll take opinions. 


Anonymous said...

I would just let her approach you when she is ready.

I have taken in two feral cats in my life and I just left them alone to approach us when they were ready.

Cleo is doing great. She will come to you on her own for petting. She is indoors and safe. There is no reason to force anything.

Heather Knits said...

I got her spayed and shots so no rush on medical procedures either. And I double checked her chip is in the database with our contact info.

She's a nice little girl, she watches me a lot and is evaluating. I find it encouraging she even let Ron pet her a few times.