Monday, September 16, 2019

I'm no good after 12

I didn't want to send a fleabag off to be boarded next week, so I began chasing down the old guard.  I did not get the new ones because 1.  Mama cat grooms the two kittens, frequently, and I can't have her licking off the topical.  2.  Doc had some Advantage samples and used that on everyone as I brought them in. 

I got the girls pretty easy but Biscuit was the primary target.  I washed my hands after every application because I have gotten some FIERCE migraines if I don't.  I finally caught and dosed him.  I woke Ron up to tell him not to pet. 

And I went to bed.  I slept OK but one of those woke up tired days.  I got ready, got Ron ready, got everything we were supposed to bring with us.  And off to work.  It was dead.  I took the money out of the machines and counted it. 

I did have one guy, he ALWAYS brings his own lunch, one of those cheap people who wouldn't put a nickel in the vending machine.  Always has his great big insulated lunch bag.  He got in front of me as I was attempting to open the food machine. 

1.  That's effing RUDE.  There is no call to do that. 
2.  I WILL open the machine anyway (which I did) and you had better get out of the way. 

Wanted to know if we had "seasonings for the sandwiches".  I said no.  I did not make excuses or apologize.  You will never find free "seasonings for sandwiches" at any cold food vending location.  Never. 

I knew he wanted something for his lunch, that's the only reason he would ask, but I don't need "seasoning" for the food I sell.  All the customers like it just fine the way I sell it.  And, like I told him "You are the only person to ask in 20 years".  And I started stocking.  He didn't much like that but I was there to work, not play head games. 

I don't feel an obligation to the brown-bagger.  They don't want to spend money, that is fine, but I don't owe them anything in return.  I will take care of my customers. 

The only thing we might have done is ketchup and mustard when we sold hot dogs, but we don't do hot dogs anymore. 

I will rarely find a $5 bill in with the $1's when I am counting the money.  The bank doesn't like them together, so I take them out and give them to Ron, sometimes he gives them back.  :) .  I went out of my hidey hole with the $5's in my hand, and someone stopped me, looking at the $5's.  "Oh, I need change!"  So they became a $20 which Ron later said I could keep.  Awesome. 

I counted the money (enough to pay me) and we headed out to the pain doctor.  That took a while, they got us there very early (I would far rather arrive early) even though we got stuck in awful traffic.  They saw us early, we were the last appointment before lunch. 

Doc really likes Ron and is very low key, the total opposite of that one horrible doctor who always shouted at Ron.  Then we called Arturo (I thought we were taking paratransit until Ron made the call) to go to the bank.  That paid a few bills for Arturo.  We went to the bank and turned the ones into something more usable, Ron gave me some extra cash. 

I was glad we were almost done, I told Ron "I'm no good after 12". 

I am pretty set on getting a papasan chair with a teal cushion.  I have turquoise curtains in the front room and I like teal as well.   The chair will be comfortable and safe for the cats.  Pier One makes a chair with an open base so the cats can still go underneath.  That will be ideal.  I will buy it next week, I don't want to get it this week and have it delivered when I am out of town. 

I can also get my pheremone diffuser too.  Again, buy it next week. 

Ron called Arturo again, A. knew we wouldn't be too long and was right around the corner.  I wanted some dinner so we went through the Wendy's drive through.  I got 2 junior bacon cheeseburgers (pretty good) and Ron got the spicy nuggets, which he really liked. 

I fed the cats and got Ron settled when I got home, then ate my food.  I dropped sauce on my shirt and later had to wash it.  I tend to get food on my clothes now.  It is frustrating... only when I am at home. I am "good" out in public.  Maybe I am distracted. 

I took a nap with Biscuit and Torbie.  I woke up at 3.  I started a load of clothes (including that shirt), fed the cats, mediated in a fight, almost petted an adorable Cleo lying on her condo, cleaned up an accident (I need a bigger box), and about to clean the boxes.  My grocery delivery is due in about an hour. 

The old chair is gone but they left the cushion.  I found that odd.  Ikea doesn't make the cushions any more.  But it is their problem and not mine.  Something was broken that did not affect the use, and they don't make the cushions any more (the cats did a number on the cushions), otherwise I might have put it up for sale.  But I am OK giving it away and just glad my poor trash men (a week of litter and old food in my can!  YUCK!) don't have to deal with it. 

I had better go do those boxes while I have the energy. 


Anonymous said...

How many times did you feed the cats?

Did you vacuum yet?

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are going to get lots and lots of rain all week.

Heather Knits said...

No to vacuum!

I hear we're getting rain, so far nothing yet... I did the laundry in case we lose power. You know me I am always pretty set.

Worst case we have some street flooding and I am stuck at home for a bit... another reason I did my delivery order today and then a trip to Walmart tomorrow. Plenty of cat food and treats.

Not much else I can do. Ron was very gracious in offering to take me to Walmart, that is like the 3rd circle of hell for him. :)

Heather Knits said...

I fed dry and wet this morning, more wet when I got home, wet when I got up, some dry about an hour later.

We can't blame Ron for Mama cat getting round. I just hate to see them beg.

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather, I haven't seen or heard anything by you for ages....I used to be on Rapture Ready Forums and also sent you a donation from the UK around 6 years ago for your bibles. I noticed before the forum ended you were no longer active on there.
Just wonder if you're still doing the handouts?

Anonymous said...

I adore the kitty pinwheel in the photo you posted! They are growing super fast. The person who checks me in at the gym had two kittens in her purse a mom had abandoned them and she was bottle feeding them at work . They were adorable but so sad and only 2 weeks old. At least she is taking them on . Another guy I know “looks after “ 14 stray neighborhood previously I chipped cats most he has managed to trap chip have a vet check then spay or neuter (bless his heart he needs to be his on none profit ) but there are a few that are almost impossible to catch I can not wait to see a kitty video ..does your camera do videos?

If it does maybe you can set up an area where you can video again those were fun back in the day

Heather Knits said...

It does video... and I have a You Tube app on my phone so should be able to do something.

I would find a guy in cat rescue very attractive. Not that I am looking!

Heather Knits said...

I haven't done the handouts since Ron's back failed... but still witnessing to drivers. I need to get my scripture booklets for Halloween too. I will go do that now.

Anonymous said...

Just because a person is nice to animals does not make them a nice person. You really need to be more discerning about people so you don't wind up in another bad situation again.

Anonymous said...

I am really concerned about your leaving the cats for that conference next month. What happens if they fight and you are not there to stop it? Maybe you should consider boarding Momma cat and the kittens along with Biscuit.

Heather Knits said...

I have only seen very minor hissing and squabbling with Mama cat and Torbie. They have pretty much allocated territory so I shouldn't have any problems if I put food/water in a public area.

Kick my butt if I even THINK about dating for years after Ron is gone. I will need to get my head together first. I will probably be working a lot too.