Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A quick question for you

Do I have any Deaf readers?  That is going to impact my video blogs if I do, I will write a supplemental text post covering the basics.  If it is anything worth saying twice, that is.  :p

But if I don't then I won't worry about it. 

You can leave an anonymous comment if you want. 

I would hope I would be sensitive toward Deaf, HOH readers as Ron is extremely hard of hearing and I have to shout at him if I am in another room.  Even then odds are he won't get it. 

Let me know if that might be an issue for you.  :) 


Anonymous said...

I'm Deaf as you might remember from RR. :) YouTube should automatically caption your vlogs. I just saw yours and it was captioned for me so I don't think it's an issue as long as you have it enabled. Adorable cats! I can't wait to see Biscuit eventually. -star_tigress

Heather Knits said...

Cool, I am glad it is captioned. :) Ron has some inherited family stuff and is pretty HOH and I want to be inclusive.