Thursday, September 5, 2019

Most of Thursday

I woke up with a crushing migraine.  Always on my day off.  [sigh]  There went my plans, I spent most of the day curled up in bed with my trusty Biscuit, tossing and turning.  I did a little computer, TV, and took a few cat photos. 

I couldn't stand the thought of opening a can of smelly wet food.  I gave them dry for breakfast.  Most of them ate with good nature but Mama Cat let me know she was ready for a can at lunchtime.  I looked at my selection, I have a variety of canned food. 

I had gotten a Meow Mix poultry variety pack some time ago.  It has really small portions and two of the selections have patent internal organs, just disgusting.  But I recalled Mama liked "chicken breast" which was just that, in some broth. 

I opened that up and her whole family went to work on it.  It did not smell bad, just a faint whiff of boiled chicken.  They polished it off and I gave her another can for dinner. 

So Meow Mix Chicken Breast makes the cut, good to have in a migraine, but the other ones will not be coming back in the house.  But that's why I buy varieties, to see what we like.  Something I like to feed (minced or pate) and something they like to eat (internal organs and meat byproducts, or tuna).  I do have plenty of disposable plates which makes it a million times easier to feed, especially when I feel lousy. 

So far salmon, tuna, mixed grill, turkey and giblets, and chicken breast flavors are all popular.  I like salmon the best because Biscuit detests it and won't touch it.  I ordered a case of that! 

I did clean the boxes too.  I didn't put the scented powder in because that would have made me ill but I did scoop and the levels are all good.  I won't be buying the litter again, but it was a good deal 40 pounds at $10 delivered.  I will see what they have at Sam's Club, I am there every week and it would be easy to add to the order.  I would pay for it separate and pay tax on it of course.  I'm not abusing Ron's resale permit.  But I could make that work, I just need to actually head over to the pet section and see what they have.  I'm thinking a name brand is probably a good idea.  I want a nice clump that does not fall apart. 

Sorry, probably too much information. 

I pet Cleo a couple times today.  She did not like it and shot me nasty looks, but did not vocalize or put her ears back.  She just felt betrayed.  But I need to be able to handle her, take her to vet, medicate, flea treatments, etc.  If it weren't for that I would never touch her without permission.  But there are a few rules. 

The new cat tree arrived, the old one was such a big hit I had Torbie and Mama fighting over it (growling and flattening ears at each other, hissing, but no contact).  Torbie got in the new one, lounged for a while, and got in the old one just because she could.  It is out of the way and I got rid of the disgusting old suitcase Torbie had destroyed.  She liked to sleep on that, but she has this now and it is much nicer.  Ron was happy. 

They each cost about $30 so a very good deal and they seem sturdy, fit in the room nicely, and almost white which I realized today is a good thing.  I have four partly white cats.  That's a lot of white cat hair.  I had a lot of cat hair with just Biscuit, I'm going to have a lot more with the new gang. 

But I am out of room now.  That's OK, they have 3 cat trees in the front room not counting the chair and loveseat.  Mama's gang love to hang out under my chair which is why I had to change it out (It is fine). 

If I really feel inspired I could put one in my bedroom but Torbie and Biscuit view that as their sleeping area, not a play spot.  Ron is sleep and treats, Torbie and Baby Girl, sometimes Biscuit who will go to Ron for his special treats.  It is adorable to watch Ron treating the cats. 

Ron was nice and quiet today, didn't heat up food and make revolting odors.  Nothing worse than a strong food odor with a migraine.  Even my plug in had me raging today.  I am very sensitive to smell when I have a migraine.  Ron took care of his own needs, I wish he hadn't emptied that urinal but other than that we were OK. 

I decided to take my shower tonight, I've been doing that.  It works pretty well when depressed/mixed like I've been lately.  The hot water helped a lot and I even got my legs shaved. 

I meant to give Ron a bath today but that just didn't happen.  Not with this headache.  But he is not soiled and his bath wipes will do the job.  I will just get him out of that t-shirt. 

Tomorrow we go to work and raise prices.  The customers will be pissed but we have not raised our prices in several years (we did sodas last year but not doing them this year).  We are losing a lot of money on pastry and candy bars in particular.  It is common to see a $1.25 price in someone else's vending machine.  We are charging $1. 

There are several reasons the other vendor hasn't wanted to raise prices but he finally admits it is necessary.  He says we are doing it tomorrow, so we'll be there.  Hopefully I will not have the headache but I barely ate anything today, so not likely if it's a food trigger. 

I bought a notebook, I need to start logging my food.  I think some of it is hormonal and some of it is dietary.  I hope we are raising sandwich prices.  We can get some nice ones but they have all been too expensive, we have just had the basics for years now.  We will see. 

Ugh, I still feel like crap.  Most of the pain is gone but that plug in is way too "loud" to quote one of my drivers. 

I guess I will go watch some TV for a while.  That's it for now. 

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