Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Mental problems

Annoyed, wasted two days waiting around sitting by my computer because Ron needs to file this report.  And he can't find basic information, shouting at me.  How hard is it to say "the total for Dr Pepper is thus".  If the total isn't on the recorder than it should be on the computer.  But he is all flustered and can't give me any answers. 

He drank very little before he got started today.  He did not take a pain pill, I specifically told him not to do so because I was afraid of this. 

Is he really THIS f*cked up?  In his "natural" state?  Apparently so. 

Once we get the damn thing filed I am taking him to get a workup and diagnose whatever is wrong with him. 

I will say it is a terrible idea for anyone with a dual (both parents) history of dementia, AND a massive head injury, to be a heavy drinker as we all know alcohol can cause dementia all on it's own. 

Sat around for hours this morning and afternoon just WASTING my time because he said he would "just take a couple of minutes" and here it is SIX hours later and he doesn't have the expenses?  He didn't think we would need them? 

I am so frustrated.  I am already dealing with so much with him now I have to worry about mental problems. 


Anonymous said...

Here's an idea tell him that there is to be NO drinking on report days until after it is completed. Or you could just take that over too and let Ron still consider it HIS business and get paid the bulk of the money to waste on alcohol and this and that.

And no you probably won't get him taken in to get tested because Ron would have to agree to it and he won't. Just like he wouldn't let you call about the broken bank door. Easier to play the victim and victimize then get help.

Heather Knits said...

We decided we will work on bites, leading up to the due date, do expenses and file that one day, do payroll the next day, etc. Small bites, as he used to say. He liked that idea a lot.

I have offered to take over the accounting but he takes a lot of pride in doing that. I even offered to help him find an accountant to do the reports, he said no. His name on everything so not much I can do.

He does have to agree, it is not at the point where I would force him. I would like to get him on some B-vitamins if nothing else because I have to think they would help. But he hates the taste.

Anonymous said...

Ask him if he wants to keep doing the report and lose the business or just let you do it and keep the business. He’s blind and mentally incapacitated he can’t do jack squat anymore. Stop letting him call the shots.
Isn’t he like close to 60? Why not retire ffs.

Heather Knits said...

He is mid-60's. He swears he has the fix in this time with the new way we will do reports and putting things in various directories to make them easy to find.

We will see.

Heather Knits said...

I will add, I think he would get in a LOT of trouble if he didn't have work.