Friday, September 27, 2019


Did not sleep great, very sensitive to scent and Ron forgot to cap a urinal, that was pretty vile smelling until I figured it out and got him to cap it. 

Got what sleep I could, got up.  Started my cycle which meant, Yay! another headache.  Took my shower, shaved my legs.  Got dressed.  Got Ron cleaned up and dressed. 

It is odd to think how long it has been since I had a husband who would take care of his own personal needs.  Just like I have always had to read things and find things for him. 

He was sober, he had run out of vodka over drinking the night before.  Times like that (and just now) I help him to bed so he does not fall and injure himself.  I had a good time with him this morning just talking; but he moved about as badly as he does when he's drinking so he is just that bad getting around. 

I had hopes some of it might be alcohol.  We went to the bank.  The security guard held the door.  We went in and ran our transaction, it was raining outside, not a payday, so very quiet.  We turned our small bills into $20's so we can spend them on inventory/driver tomorrow. 

We texted the driver, have not heard back yet but that is not unusual, he cannot have his phone on when driving. 

We got our bank stuff done. 

I ordered Ron a couch organizer yesterday, one of those things you hang off the side of the couch with several pockets?  It came yesterday, I installed it today (had to move the mattress), loaded it with his remote, headphones, etc.  He adores it.  Has been thanking me all day. 

I am happy for that (he also paid me double what I spent).  Arturo picked us up and we went through a drive through (for me) and got some liquor for Ron. 

Ron had ordered a whole case.  He is dead serious about his vodka... I said I will make one suggestion.  I never make suggestions regarding alcohol.  Ron listened, we were riding.  I said, call them and tell them to put it in two boxes so Arturo won't have to pick up one, heavy, thing.  Ron (and Arturo) liked that so he called and they did it.  Arturo really appreciated it. 

I try to take care of him, he's a good man and how many guys do you know would give me a ride with a cat (in a carrier) who had just crapped herself?  VERY few, if ANY.  You will notice his name - he is not a white boy - I don't care - he is great and that is all that matters.  And he was VERY nice about Cleo. 

Then we went home.  Ron got carsick.  I need to order him some meclizine tablets.  Done.  Got him 100 for $5 on Amazon.  He had very mild carsick issues before the accident but it is pretty bad now.  He has only vomited once, that off the side of a freeway overpass - gives me the vapors to think about it now.  So that will work great for him.  I will order him some more to have in reserve when we get back from our trip. 

Unfortunately, if my cycle is standard, I will have my "visit" during the trip next month.  That is going to be inconvenient, but I can bring supplies.  I was talking to Ron about my travel bag, and he asked if I had this or that, and I kept saying yes.  It is good to know I will have everything I need, like a nightlight - I always worry I am going to run into something in the middle of the night and crush my foot.  The "basic" hotel I used in Galveston had a built in light which was great, but it did remind me to get my own when I came back.  I believe, with my female supplies, nightgown, a couple of shirts, changes of underwear, and a spare pair of jeans I cannot shove Ron's stuff into the backpack too.  So I will have to bring his bag as well - easily done, that way he has his supplies. 

You may remember last year how he wanted to collect all his stuff, including his phone chargers, when we had the hotel fire at 4 AM.  He can bring a lot of junk.  Just his medication, and mine, would take up a whole bag. 

We use cheap bags so nothing special to attract attention.  The contents can be shoved around stuffing the chair in and out of the car, as well. 

We got home and Arturo put the alcohol in the garage, I got Ron in the house.  I took my pills, I hadn't yet taken my morning stuff.  I have been really lax about taking my antidepressant which could have very bad results.  I need to get better at that. 

I have been diligent about the mood stabilizers and the anti psychotic because I have to be - that would be catastrophic.  I just did up my pills so plenty in the organizers.  I keep the organizers somewhere Ron can't access because he had knocked them down a couple of times before, when drunk. 

Ron got into his vodka while I decided to take a nap.  I woke up after about an hour, got up, Ron was pretty drunk.  We talked for a while - he is still really happy about his organizer.  I helped him get to bed as he was pretty wobbly and needed help. 

But, from what I saw this morning, that is baseline and not just a drunk thing. 

I plan to see a doctor pretty soon about my migraines.  A regular doctor, just to get some emergency medication I can take when I am having an acute attack.  I do pretty well with what I can do to prevent it (no chocolate, etc), but some of it is hormonal and I don't want to take hormones.  I am middle aged, the factory is going to dry up sooner or later.  I will need to be optimal during my next cycle and that may mean taking something reasonable.  I will at least go in and ask. 

Other than that I am very healthy.  I also need to get back to the kettlebells which will help a lot. 

In the short term, I need to figure out dinner.  I think I will take some of the cooked chicken strips, warm them, put them on bread with ranch and some sharp cheese, call that dinner.  It sounds good at least. 

Ugh, this headache won't quit. 

I decided to be more assertive with Cleo, she let me pet her a few times today and later lay on my foot.  So she is progressing.  I won't leave the food out, she will have to come through me to get it and she loves to eat! 

She also scared me a little, she took a bird toy, split it open, gutted it and pulled out the stuffing.  I would hate to be the thing that got in my house! 


Anonymous said...

Baseline is infection control, for everyone. That is how health is maintained. The very basic of that is washing hands, clothing, floors, dishes. To provide for anyone with dementia, poor physical health, you assist someone (and you are responsible for Ron as he can not live alone) would be to flush and rinse his urinals EVERY TIME he uses them. Don't tell me he can.. he is blind, he has VERY POOR judgement, dementia and poor hand coordination, pain. ALL of which you admit to every day. This is my house, I share it with my husband, but if he isn't capable of good judgement..I help. I empty and rinse my partners urinals, I also Clorox them at least once a week...even rinsed, they can grow all the organisms that cause bladder infections. That alone can cause dementia, and no they don't all cause pain, but intractable pain in back or kidney area could be bladder infection. This is also your home, for cleanliness, odors and even if Ron lives with you the basic of emptying his urinals, affects your health. And don't tell us he wants to do this...he can't even push his own w/c part of the time. JUst because a person can do this at times, he obviously isn't able to mentally understand the need to empty the urinals or rinse them appropriately. If you profess to be his care need to step up to the plate on this...the cats boxes are more important to you that Ron's urinals...that is basic fact.

Heidi said...

I know you said something in the past that you could not take sumatriptan for some reason? That was all I could find that worked for me I tried everything EVEN lidocaine nose drops remember those? They were all the rage for migraines years ago and didn’t work worth a crap. Sleep helped me the most but if I took a nap in the middle of the day during my moon cycle then for sure I would have a magraine . If they could cure migraines it would be a wonderful thing. Why they haven’t is beyond me ! It makes no sense as a healthcare provider I can tell you that and back pain kept people home sick more than anything I can think of in ambulatory care

Heather Knits said...

Oh, Heidi, they don't want to cure anything. They want us taking handfuls of expensive drugs several times a day.

Triptans (Imitrex) are not ideal for someone with a family history of heart trouble but I might just risk it. If the doctor is OK.

Heather Knits said...

Oh, yuck. I know you are right and that is depressing. I thought the litter box was bad! Those urinals are so vile! Any ideas on disinfectant to use? I put bleach in one time and they foamed up. O.O

Anonymous said...

What about topamax? It works for me. I also have imitrix but I don’t need it because the topamax works.

Anonymous said...

Every week, I soak my husbands urinals, in a large plastic bucket, enough water to cover inside and out...add about 1/2 cup of Clorox an leave them to soak while he is in the shower. When he is up out of bed, I always remake the bed with clean sheets and replace his dried urinals (to prevent Clorox fading), his catheters for the day, and his ky jelly for the catheters. Clean urinals, all of which is at bedside for him to use. At midnight I cath him and help him turn over, he is to sleepy to manage anymore. We seldom have bladder infections, unless we have been to town and he is not able to wash hands before cathing. It is manageable, just need a consistant time for doing most things, Bless you for listening. God Loves YOU.

Heather Knits said...

Thank you for the tips!

Ron had a REALLY good idea for me, "Why don't you see my pain doc?" So I may do that. Ideally I could be seen right after/before Ron. He could even be in the room, I don't care if he hears me talking about my period.

I am really liking the idea but will give it a little thought. I don't want narcotics. I will make that clear but ideally he could find something and I could wrap it all up together. I do really like the doctor, he is very compassionate and kind.

Second line would be asking my psychiatrist about something.

Two really good ideas..I am tired of being a migraine victim.

Anonymous said...

Mouthwash works to cut down on odors in bedside commodes and would probably work in urinals also. I would definitely use the bleach wash though. An unflushed toilet with urine smells terrible after a while of sitting there so I can imagine how the urinals smell. You may have to empty them more often.