Friday, September 27, 2019

Respect is earned

There seems to be some confusion as to what I think constitutes a "good" neighbor, so I will share my example and then an example of what I have had to deal with that I didn't like. 

  1. Quiet.  Speaks for itself.  Also includes appropriate dog behavior, not neglected and left in the yard to bark incessantly.  
  2. Tidy.  Clean yard and maintained.  No hoarding 30 weed eaters all hung up on the fence to "share" with the neighbors.  No rats brought either.  
  3. Appropriate number of pets.  That hasn't been an issue.
  4. Children and adults stay on their side of the fence.  They do not roam the neighbor's property, looking into windows, going into locked backyards and garages, and gossiping loudly about them outside their windows.  
  5. Respect neighbor's pets; no abusing them.  
  6. Don't steal parking and block driveways, if they do, move when they see the "rightful" homeowner without being asked.  Certainly don't tell the homeowner to fck off when asked to move.  
That's about it.  I think most people have similar expectations.  

Hopefully this will end the asinine lectures that I adore every ignorant thug who moves in on the blog lest someone I don't even know in person label me "judgmental".  You wouldn't want them in your neighborhood, so you're a hypocrite...and you think you can get away with it because it's the "anonymous internet".  

Respect is EARNED.  

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