Thursday, September 12, 2019

Poop on the table

I should have put a towel in the carrier.  That is 100% my fault. 

I got Mama cat loaded OK (she had a towel).  She was a little agitated so I took her out (all the kids are in school so I didn't have to worry about torture/abduction).  I didn't want her waking Ron up. 

Cleo was quiet, the Feliway did a good job.  I got her out and we went to the vet.  Into the exam room (I was 20 minutes early) and the vet came in early too.  She probably got an early lunch because I came in early. 

There was a dog crying in the background, the tech told me he had just been neutered.  I'd cry too. 

The vet looked in on both cats, Mama cat was being nice but Cleo hissed.  They did more Feliway.  I asked if they could please do Cleo's shots today and they came back and said yes.  Good. 

They did Mama cat's shots first, that went well and uneventful, back in her carrier.  Cleo was more of a challenge.  They had to use a net.  They got her out and the vet said "The stitch removal is not going to happen, it will fall off on it's own, don't worry about it".  Had to pin Cleo to the table (It looked awful but I understood she was combative) to give the shots.  And then Cleo had a bowel movement on the table, the towel, and her carrier.  They were able to clean up most of it but some got in her fur.  Doc looks at the poop "I don't like the looks of that" and takes a sample for the lab. 

She said there is medication that can be given in food, which would work, should the test come back positive for parasites.  I know one reader couldn't wait to read that.  But if one has it I will get doses for everyone, dump out and sterilize boxes, then refill.  Already thought this out. 

So we were done, except Cleo was covered in poop and reeked like an old diaper.  We put her back in the carrier because she was still hissing so poop in the carrier now.  And, at some point, she peed.  I learned my lesson about putting her in early, that's for sure.  Also need a towel every time. 

Happily my crate had a channel for accidents so the pee just went in the channel.  Good crate.  I needed a break, I left them in the exam room, crated, and ran over to the convenience store.  I got a snack, came back, and called Arturo.  I did not tell him "we" were stinky. 

He came in about 10 minutes and I went out and explained to him, there had been poop but most of it went on the towel, there was some on the cat, but it would not get in the vehicle.  It just smelled bad.  He said "OK" (he is unflappable) and I put everyone in.  We went home.  It was stinky but I checked and the cab was fine when "we" got out.  I gave him extra money for "hardship".  I got in the house and let the girls out. 

Cleo ran under the couch.  Later on her mother helped her clean up.  I took the carrier, took it apart, top half was fine.  I wiped out the stains with disinfecting wipes, poured off the urine, then did an overall cleanse.  After that (a while later) I made up some bleach solution about 1/3 cup bleach to 1 quart water and wiped it down with that, letting it air dry.  Then I will rinse it off and let it dry again. 

But Cleo just came and sat very close to my foot, wanting food, so I guess I am forgiven.  I did relate what happened to Ron and he told me so, I took it. 

The vet had given me an old towel for the carrier, it got fluids on it so I washed it on hot with another old towel of mine for balance.  I can use them for lining carriers, I would like each carrier to have a towel in it.  Accidents happen, that's why they made the channel in the one carrier. 

The vet did say a top opener is better for cats like Cleo, getting them out.  Average cats can go with a standard carrier.  That is good to know.  I need to get a couple more carriers.  I have my eye on a top/front opener for Cleo and then I guess a couple more of the one I used today so everyone has a crate. 

The vet shook her head at the sight of Mama's nipples, Mama even offered Biscuit a nursing session (he declined after sniffing carefully), I am pretty sure cat milk is not on his diet. 

I took the unwanted cans of special diet wet food to the vet and they were happy to get them.  At least their next urinary cat will have some options. 

But it was quite the morning. 


Anonymous said...

All in all, sounds like a successful day to the vet and back. What's a little poop in the scheme of life...Gotta hand it to have a lot of pluck, so carry on General...there is lots more work to do. You do a great job every day.

Heather Knits said...

Thanks, I felt it was a good test run for poop accidents (human or feline). Disinfecting wipe, bleach solution. I couldn't get my first bleach open which was pretty comical actually... I had another bleach without the safety cap so I used that.

Now I just have to put the carrier back together.

Heather Knits said...

@ The other comment, mean spirited so I will not post. You are welcome to come to the house and give Cleo a bath. Mom-spit is good for all sorts of cleanups, not Cleo's first accident in her life, I'm sure. She looks soft and pretty now. It is not like she is nuzzling into my bosom. Cleo was pretty wild today and I didn't envy the vet.

However she did get over it pretty quickly once at home and has hung out near me a few times and eaten treats I gave her.

Anonymous said...

Absolute nonsense about the comment being mean spirited. You just dont want to post the truth. ALL the cats should have been deformed before coming inside

Anonymous said...

And now there are 6 parasite infested cats in the house.

Heather Knits said...

Name calling = "mean spirited" on my blog.

I could not catch Cleo to worm her. I was given a test kit for Mama but I could never get her to poop in the morning before I went to work (they want it fresh). I knew Spotty had the runs but so did Torbie when she first came to me. I wasn't worried about it because there have been a lot of environmental changes, social changes (adding Cleo), and dietary changes (finding a food they will all eat).

I read something that said give it a month and then get it looked it. It has been about a month and it has been looked at.

I even paid more for the "better" test. If results come back positive I will round them all up and start dosing.

Heather Knits said...

@ 6, Maybe, but easily fixed once we identify the strain.

Take a moment to pity the poor tech who has to process poop samples all day, every day. I hope they are well paid.

Anonymous said...

Really calling your vet and idiot is mean spirited. For Pete's sake just deworm all of them. Why is this so complicated for you and your vet to understand. I recall momma cat had tested positive for parasites but it t sounds like you never treated her for them

Anonymous said...

I thought Cleo stayed overnight at the vet after her surgery. They didn't test her stool for parasites then?

It seems like they should have. She was fresh off the streets.

Heather Knits said...

I don't think it occurred to them. She was being a little gator cat I am sure, snapping away. I wouldn't want to put my hand in there. They had to use a net, no finger pointing on my end of things.

NEXT time I will ASK, I know that now.

Heather Knits said...

They're all fine, old guard tested in July, new gang tested now. No bugs normal diet per vet. So I will do that. No one ever tested positive for anything but pregnancy and we took care of that.