Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A video

You Tube app on my phone is pretty easy but still figuring it out.  I will keep trying. 

Not sure if you will get my face in it but I plan to get a cat at least. 

And here's Biscuit. 

Sorry about the floor... they sit where they sit. 

You at least get my voice and his handsome face. 


Heidi said...

Oh good for you! this will be fun ! I bet you get some good videos
He is adorable
I saw someone working with kettle balls at the gym and thought of you! I want to try it but am gong to have to get help to start for sure it looks like you could pull something swinging those things!

Heather Knits said...

I would take a class first and watch some videos. I learn better by reading with a few videos on top. A class would just fly in one ear and out the other.

I haven't worked out in a while and I need to get back to it.

Thank you for being the only one to comment on my video. Maybe I would have got more responses if I took a video of the tax cheat animal abusing neighbors.

Anonymous said...

Or like me which have gone past a few days and forget to check your blog due to stuff happening. :) I was going backwards to catch up and now I am all caught up! Thank you for sharing the video. -star_tigress