Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Wednesday afternoon

 I took a nap and woke up with a headache.  I got up to take something and Spotty came out of Ron's room.  He meowed at me a lot and I told him to come back to bed with me.  He did, and laid on my chest with his head tucked under my chin.  SO CUTE!  That's why I don't pick them up or force cuddle if they want to love on me that's great but I want it to be genuine.  Just like Ron used to say why he would never pay for sex or force a woman, he wanted her to be into it too... same idea.  

So I laid there petting him for a while with him purring and meowing at me.  SO CUTE.  My head felt better.  Biscuit got on the bed but not really near me.  Spotty got up to check out Biscuit so I got up.  I was covered in cat hair: 

But the lint brush did a good job.  I like the big, $6 lint brush at Walmart it works the best.  I have a couple of them.  

I also often rethought my choice to wear mostly black clothing times like this.  I will need to get a white or light colored hoodie to wear at the bus stop in the morning, for instance, as it is getting dark in the morning.  I would like to be as visible as possible.  

It is nice and pretty sunny out I think I am going to sit outside for a while.  Also I finished my crochet cell phone holder, the old one was getting kind of ratty.  

 I had fun.  I came in and tried on the last of the clothes going on vacation.  The last dress (#4), bathing suit fit great and has a NICE long hem.  I believe in some things kept for the husband, if you have one.  Now I had some stuff at home I only wore for Ron and he loved it.  But that's all I did.  Now that he's gone I got rid of all that.  Anyway let me see if I have a picture.  

That is something I can wear in front of my Dad and his friends, and put online.  It has a nice skirt on it.  It wasn't cheap when I bought it but I think the money is well spent.  

The "New Orleans" dress fit great, and so did the workout top.  I was worried about the necklines interacting with my bra, but it worked on all of it.  So everything got packed and not too much bulk.  I will be adding some female supplies to it as well.  Just because you don't know.  I will wear my workout top, a hoodie, and my jeans with sneakers to actually fly.  

So pretty much packed.  I like to do this all well in advance.  

It is sunny again going to go out.   And it's overcast again.  

I ate all I'm going to eat today (about 1,600 calories but in my macros).  Not sure if I will make some more iced tea or not.  

That's it for now.  

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