Thursday, September 1, 2022

Thursday morning

Still not sleeping great, still depressed, but not as bad as my day off.  I even did my upper lip treatment, yay me.  Got some crud off, too, so glad I did it.  

I only have a couple of minutes.  The cats are doing great Biscuit is doing all his usual activity including hanging out with me in the bathroom when I take my shower.  My left foot is bothering me a little I think it is due to waiting on getting new shoes, I am hopeful wearing the new shoes for a few days will fix that.  

I now have bloating to add to my other symptoms so definitely getting a cycle in the next week or so.  That would be good timing as I would not have to worry about Mom and Dad.  They are having fun visiting with their grandson and got some portraits done with him and the other grandsons, also some of just him, him and Mom, him and Dad, you get the idea.  

Makes me think (I have a photographer brother) I need to use the whitening toothpaste the next couple weeks.  And glad I have lost some weight.  

Speaking of I have my lunch all ready to go as always.  I am also taking my PM pills to take on my break (my lunch) so I don't have to eat later.  Pharmacist says bad idea to put in lunch box so I will just put them (in a zip lock) in my pocket.  

Have to get dressed, may post more later.  Shoes feel good, got a little perfume applied.  That was the odd thing for me.  When Ron and I first got together he loved it when I wore perfume, then "allergies".  Then outright intolerance of anything fragrant including Dove soap.  So no fragrance in the house not even toilet bowl cleaner.  Then he's gone.  I wore some fragrance right after he died which was a mistake as I know associate them with profound grief.  And I had liked them.  Not anymore.  

But my old trusty friend, the designer imposters version of "Red" and I am OK with that.  Ron loved that on me when he could tolerate fragrance.  And it didn't remind him of old girlfriends which had been an issue for us.  

Me?  I liked him in anything but he never wore cologne.  He would wear the original Old Spice deodorant that was it, but he preferred Mitchum unscented.  

Today will be a longer day, 5.5 hours which doesn't sound bad but 3 hours, break, 2 and a half hours, home.  That gets a little long.  We are coming up on a holiday weekend so we will see.  

That's it for now.  

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