Monday, August 29, 2022

The great, long, shoe hunt

So I left the house around 10:30 headed out to the bus stop.  Rode the bus to the Burger King.  Last time I tried this their lobby door was locked.  It began pouring when I got off the bus with my cart so I really hoped it was open... and it was.  

As I walked in an employee was relating a tale of her time at the trauma center how she stopped breathing and had to get 3 pints of blood.  I said "That sounds horrible!"  She said it was, I gave her some candy.  I handed out 6 bags of candy today.  

I used my gift card and got two double cheeseburgers, one I ate there and the other I ate around 4.  By the time I finished the rain had stopped so I went back out to the bus stop.  Next driver was not a route I normally take but he was going my way.  He did not want any candy.  

I got to the transit center and waited on the bus that would take me to Academy.  I was wondering how I was going to put the cart on the bus, be out of everyone's way and OK in case they needed to load a wheelchair.  It took some doing when the bus pulled up but I did figure it out.  I sat in a forward facing seat and held onto the cart in front of me.  Only a couple of people whacked it.  

I got off and went into the store.  I went straight to customer service.  My cart, while useful to me, looks like a shoplifter's dream.  I had planned on looking in apparel and shoes and I was certain security did not want that cart rolling around.  Also it would be easier if I had a regular cart for my shopping.  They were happy to watch it for me.  

I got a regular cart and went to apparel.  They had changed everything around but I found the BCG Plus Size section without too much trouble.  They had a few bike shorts but the largest was only a regular XL which I didn't think would fit.  

So I went into the fitting room.  The last time I tried this I got stuck in a sports bra and the fitting room lady had to free me.  

The XL fit fine.  Color me shocked.  They were tight but the label said "tight fit".  They felt good and I can wear them under my t shirt dresses, and under an oversized t shirt for working out.  I kept them.  I did not try on any sports bras.  😂

I went over to the shoes.  They had a large header board: SKETCHERS.  So I started there.  I loaded up on various shoes I will cover in a little bit.  I looked around and found some likely store brand shoes in gray for $30.  I sat down to try them on.  I liked the $30 ones and bought them.  

I did wear pants today, but it doesn't look like it from the photos.  

The brown boots were too firm.  I was looking for a wide shoe with a lot of squish to it.  I did not get those.  

These ones seemed so promising: $30 on sale, nice color that would coordinate with my vest at work, but WAY too tight.  I couldn't wait to take those off.  

These were the Sketchers extra wide fit, and they were nice and wide, had some squish but I felt lacking in the padding department.  I am very picky as I am going to spend a lot of time on my feet.  Also at what they cost they had better be perfect.  

These were perfect, wide and lots of squish I hated to take them off.  So I got them.  

I also got a pair of the waterproof sneakers as we do get a lot of rain here.  They have proven reliable but I did try them on.  They are beige with orange accents.  

I stayed in budget (Used some of the last of the tax return) so I was happy, I even had enough for a cab ride home which was a good thing as it was pouring.  

I went up to customer service and got my cart back.  It was a different associate but I pointed at the cart and said "That's mine" he gave it to me.  I got home pretty quick.  

I bagged up my old shoes to donate.  They did their job and now it is time for a new class.  I am really excited about them.  Now I would have loved some brightly colored shoes but I got neutrals.  But they will work with any color.  If I ever get rich and can find something cute and comfortable I might buy some but for now I'm just happy I have these.  

I lasted about 10 months on the old set of shoes.  

They had a really cute pair of hot pink and black sneakers in the women's department but I couldn't get them on my feet.  If that's not a sign I don't know what is.  Too bad they were only $30.  I think you can find good shoes if you know where to look and aren't afraid to spend some money.  But I work at Walmart so I keep it reasonable.  

So now I am done until well into next year.  

When I got home I ate my other burger and tried to take a nap, but I had too much caffeine today.  We are having a thunderstorm so I won't do laundry.  I was pretty wiped out but I did some kettle bell and some time on the exercise bike.  I stayed on my eating plan (60% fat, 20 each carbs and protein).    

The cats are good.  Waiting to hear from Dad he is busy picking up my nephew right now.  That's it for now!  

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