Monday, August 15, 2022


I slept OK, I kept waking up a few times but went back to sleep as it was still dark out.  I got up around 6.  I weighed myself.  194.6.  I fed the cats.  I thought I should weigh myself again and it was 194.2, twice, so I called that my weight for the day.  I am happy I am losing again.  I have lost almost 15 pounds since I started using the Carb Manager app.  So it works for me.  

I just want to hurry up and get to goal already.  But I have plenty of clothes that fit me now that is all that matters, have food I enjoy eating that helps me lose, etc.  I can get around OK my primary concern so that's good.  

I do wonder why they have me working Tuesday tomorrow, they never have me work Tuesday.  I will go in and do a good job.  

Today I have to mix up relaxing, house chores, dishes, and meal prep.  Hopefully I can do a good job of it.  I am working up the energy to take a shower.  

That's it for now.  

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