Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Getting some things done

Feeling a little better; I started on some cleaning.  Really depressing to see cat hair tumbleweeds and dust all over my floors.  So I swept all that up.  Taking a break, then I will put away the clean clothes.  Then probably clean the toilet.  Take a break.  

If you are a former LCF Friend you will remember how everyone was so excited about Flylady.  She would send you an email every day to do some cleaning tasks.  I think her #1 thing was the kitchen sink.  Anyway I found Unf*ck your habitat.  There is a 'bad" word in there for the sensitive.  She has various assignments which I find useful.  She talks a lot about NOT doing the big marathon cleaning thing which is really important for me.  She also gets depression and how sometimes "obvious" cleaning isn't possible.  I like her.  

So I just packed 3 t shirt dresses, socks, and underwear (with bonus t shirt) in my pack.  I have room for one more dress, this the one I wore in New Orleans.  It can be my traveling dress.  It is a little more formal.  Mom and Dad talk a lot about a nice steakhouse they enjoy and have mentioned taking visitors there so I think it would be smart to have something nicer.  I already have toiletries, hairbrush, toothbrush in the bag.  The trick is only taking the essentials and not a bunch of stuff I don't need.  There is a Walmart not far from their home so I can just buy anything I might need.  

No cycle yet and based on what my body was doing the last couple days it could be a couple more weeks.  If that's the case I will have no worries on my trip.  I am going to wear my new gray sneakers they are very comfortable and I think I will reserve them for my off-work time.  They also match everything I'm packing.  

Off to enjoy my break before I clean the toilet! 

That's it for now.  

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