Friday, August 19, 2022

Thursday and Friday morning

Watching the news before work they said we were absolutely going to get severe weather coming in this afternoon.  It did not look likely and as late as 3 PM it was still mostly clear and sunny.  But a couple of co workers asked me how I was getting home as their phones were telling them severe weather inbound.  I thought/prayed about it a little and decided to call my cab driver buddy.  

Next time I would call him after I got off work, not while actively working.  At any rate I made a reservation for 5:15.  I had a few doubts about it but was pretty busy at work, didn't get a chance to look outside until about 4:30 when the thunder started.  Ah.  There it is.  And sure enough it started pouring.  I was really glad I had a ride.  

There was another girl who was supposed to relieve me who never showed up and didn't call.  She was not the one who comes in late, this one never came, period.  I guess she figured she would take the 2 points (you are only allowed 5 in a six month period) rather than get wet coming in to work.  So I left at 5.  

We were having power surges which can affect the cash registers so I went ahead and got 2 cans of Diet Dew out of the vending machine in the back.  That was working fine (my experience Dixie Narco vending machines usually do, and the Vendos).  I went out front and waited he had said he was running late and the weather was insane.  No way I could ride the bus.  

There was an accident and I saw all sorts of fire trucks, heavy rescue, ambulances going down the street full lights and siren.  Happily they were not for my driver.  He came and took me home.  By then the worst part of the weather had passed but it still would have been very difficult to take the bus.  I was glad I did have the emergency $20 in my pocket.  

I checked the mail and got the card, thank you VERY much.  I had a total of $45 to get me through 2 weeks of groceries and incidentals, that makes my days off a lot brighter.  I can actually put money on my bus card now.  I appreciated the note as well.  

The cats were good.  Biscuit seems comfortable even though he is still limping a little.  I think he landed funny jumping a fence.  But he can put weight on it so I'm not worried and he got on the bed last night, and off the bed this morning.  

I was back down to 194 even though I went off on my macros yesterday.  I had eaten too much fat.  I did buy some granola bars so I wouldn't get too low on the carbs which equals a very bad headache.  

Spotty is showing some separation anxiety.  It is "cute" but I feel bad for him.  I am going to try and get some good cuddle time in with him today before I go to work.  

I need to take my shower, I'll be back. All done.  I am wearing the jeans I was able to redeem from the grease stain, I really like the fit.  It took 3 washes with various stain fighters but I got it with God's help.  Nice pair of jeans, glad I get to keep them.  

My cycle is due the next week or two so I have supplies on hand for that.  

Biscuit is acting normally so while I'm worried about him I am not panicking.  I may look into the low cost vet clinic I have heard about in Houston.  If I take Biscuit into my local clinic it will be at least $500 for something that may be nothing (he can put weight on the leg); the clinic may offer a better deal.  Last time I had this with Gravy I had unpalatable options like a $5K surgery no guarantee he would be fixed, or a $900 amputation.  I am hoping I am not faced with those choices if I do take him in, but, again, he can bear weight on it and is acting normally.  He is sprawling everywhere I walk I am very glad I am not blind and have nightlights because I would hate to step on him. 

The cats started doing this some months after Ron died, when they realized he would not be barreling along in the wheelchair to run over them.  It was an interesting process to watch.  

That's it for now!  


Anonymous said...

I can see why there is so much suffering in the world because god is busy getting stains out of jeans or helping you clock in and out of work to be bothered with child abuse, rape, and other stuff.

Heather Knits said...

God does help with small and large things. I am certain one day He is going to show me all He prevented in my life.

People who see Him, see Him in everything. And yes I appreciate the help checking in and out of work! That app can be tricky and I don't get paid if I'm not logged in and out properly. That said believers do see Him in everything and I think the smart ones ask for help with everything, large and small, I know I sure do.

If you are rejecting God you won't see Him at work. It's as simple as that. You call it "luck" the "universe" etc. but it is God working.

Why did my birth mother disable me? I believe it furthers God's plans. Why did Ron die? It moved me in directions I wasn't going. Things like that.