Sunday, August 14, 2022

So today went pretty well

I had been around 197.5 for a few days, this morning I was down to 196 again.  So I felt pretty good about getting some more donuts when I got to work.  I got to work OK.  It was very odd not taking my bag with me this morning and I was about 3 minutes faster walking to the bus stop.  I was wearing my vest, had a water bottle, my lunch, and some candy for my drivers.  I got to work fine.  

I got my donuts and bought some candy and more ziplocks.  I had used up the last box.  I go through a lot of supplies.  I also hit the ATM and replenished my "emergency ride home" $20 I had used on Thursday.  I went in the back and had my donuts, they were very good, put my lunch in my insulated bag.  I went to the bathroom about 20 minutes before starting time and clocked in 5 minutes early like I always do.  I am a very punctual person and I respect that in other people.  I went to work, my boss was happy to see me.  

I was busy all day.  I had to address a safety issue a young boy about 10 was climbing on a fixture, I asked him to please stop and get down.  He did not and continued climbing around.  I asked him again.  The mother went off on me to say the least.  I explained it was a safety issue and we didn't want him to fall, did we?  I'm just trying to keep him safe.  She cursed me out some more but the boy did get down.  Then she went over to her husband and went off on him for a while screaming in Spanish and gesturing wildly.  Talking to him like that in front of her kids.  I do not think that marriage is going to last.  It was really sad.  My boss showed up for the tail end but was cool when I explained.  

The other girl was 10 minutes late showing up but the boss was there when she did.  I keep coming back to if Ron could go to work on time every day blind and in a wheelchair what is your problem with a cane?  And she drives, I ride the bus and I get there an hour early every day in case they need me to clock in early.  It is not easy but I make it a priority.  

But she is not an ugly or hateful person.  She is just in a bad routine.  

I did not think I'd catch the bus.  I had to manage my bag which was very heavy.  I also really wanted a Diet Dew and all the checkout lines were long, but I found a self check that was pretty short.  The price went up 4 cents from the last time I bought one.  I can see why they are heavy and hard to transport but it was still sad.  I wonder what the other vendor is doing with his soda prices.  

The light had been out this morning and I asked Dad to pray on it.  My boss had said the light was still out when I left... but when I got out there the light was fine.  I quickly ran across in case it wanted to change it's mind!  And I caught my usual 3:40 bus so I was happy.  It was a different driver who was very stressed by the other drivers.  

I got to the transit center.  My home bus was idling by the curb, not at the stop.  Sometimes they will have pity and let people get on early, this guy did not.  I had to walk quite a distance to the stop.  In the heat.  With my heavy bag.  But I still gave him his candy.  I got off OK and walked home.  

Biscuit was waiting for me.  I decided I was frazzled enough I needed to look at my priorities.  I took off my vest (no room in my bag), hung that up, put my bag down, did NOTHING else except pet Biscuit, got undressed and laid down with Cleo and Spotty for 20 minutes.  I needed to work on laundry.  I needed to work on meal planning.  I needed to do dishes.  But I laid down for 20 minutes.  Then I called my parents because they like to hear from me at a set time.  

If I drop dead from a stroke or something they will find me pretty quick because I do have a schedule of contacting family.  I really feel like I did the best thing for myself.  

I was not hungry so I just had some Walnuts for dinner and took my pills.  Mom and Dad were going to have spaghetti with meatballs.  My aunt and uncle had Taco Bell for dinner.  

It was nice to see the cats after a long day.  I really suggest everyone get some sort of pet.  Or even some live plants.  Something living to greet you.  

I am doing some laundry tonight and I will deal with everything else tomorrow.  I figured out my meals for the next couple days so that's off my plate.  

That's it for now!  

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