Saturday, August 13, 2022

Saturday morning

I slept OK last night in my bed but woke up having some existential issues.  Is that it?  Getting up riding the bus going to work, reverse that, go home, eat go to bed?  I know it is NOT but it is hard to shake.  

Also all the bosses will be there this morning am I going to have issues with them?  And how did my credit card get up to $130?  I need to pay that down.  My credit is great though $130 is apparently the magic balance for good credit in my instance.  I just made a $60 payment a couple weeks ago so I am good for a while.  I will figure it out; and I don't have the money I would be paying out for rides home Thursday and Friday so I can put that towards it.  

I am listening to praise music, took my antidepressant, had a nice shower with the lemon soap (I get it from the dollar store, it is a huge bar).  My cab driver is coming in a little over an hour.  I just need to make my tuna for my break and pack my lunch for that.  

Today I will have to deal with the woman who clocks in on time but spends her time "visiting", fooling around with her locker, going to the bathroom, etc. after she is clocked in.  I can't leave until she gets to me and sometimes that can take 20 minutes which means I miss a bus.  I am trying to be spiritual about that, I can't do that in my own strength but God will help. 

I go to the bathroom and get all my stuff sorted before I clock in, I clock in exactly oh I sound like such a self righteous bitch...I guess that would be the Holy Spirit convicting me.  

She doesn't have little kids either which might explain it.  

So I work today and come home, will have a couple of hours before I have to go to bed.  Then tomorrow sucks as I ride the bus in to work and home, so that makes it a very long day.  Also I will likely need to bring home groceries tomorrow because I have Monday off.  I still have a lot of sausage but I could probably use some tuna, I will look into getting some tuna today at work.  I can bring that home today.  

I only have Monday off, work Tuesday, and then have Wednesday off.  Then work 5 days in a row.  Two days off the middle of the week.  You get the idea.  Not exactly a schedule someone else would want.  

But I got the tuna made up, also felt like I should bring some sausage so I did that.  I need to do dishes tonight my little containers are stacking up.  Worst case I can do the dishes with the phone on speaker talking to my parents.  

The traffic light was out Thursday and also Friday morning but they fixed it, praise God, by the time I went home so I only had a 2 hour trip.  I am very happy the light is working.  I have a long enough trip as it is.  

I may get an unsweetened ice tea at McDonald's after work.  I always want some iced tea after work bu the only teas we sell have corn syrup and/or sugar.  I don't need that.  I am not wasting my carbs on that.  I had my protein shake this morning so I will be good for a while until I can get to work and my donuts.  I get a 2 pack and eat them before work, they are very tasty and a nice boost.  

But I need to get ready so that's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Geez grow a pair and stop being a pushover. You need to make a complaint to management about this woman. It's not right you have to wait 20 minutes for her and miss your bus. You are spending a couple of hours on the bus as it is and this is an ongoing problem. If you want to talk to her first about the issue then go ahead and tell her how her being late affect you. That if it doesn't change you will be speaking to management about it. This way you give her a chance to do the right thing before make a formal complaint.

Heather Knits said...

Management is the one told me to wait for her. She is somewhat disabled so I think she is playing the cripple card. But Ron blind and in his wheelchair always got to work early on his delivery days so I don't buy it. Even if he had been up all night in pain.

She has a real attitude. Management told me they have "spoken to her" but she doesn't have the fear of God if that makes any sense. She figures she is OK because she is clocking in on time every day. But she still takes 15-20 minutes to make it to me. It is not that hard to go pee 15 minutes BEFORE your shift starts. Get your stuff out of your locker before you clock in, not after, and tell your friends "I will see you on break".

But she is not the only employee starting at 3 who stands around talking to her buddies for a while after they clock in.

Anonymous said...

I could never take the bus like you do, I feel bad that you have to do it. As a matter of fact, I've never ridden on a bus. lol

Heather Knits said...

Well it really depends on the bus. There are lots of nice buses with great people go through fine areas of town and very little trouble. Then there are routes like the #2 or the Sunnyside buses that go through some very rough areas, no one wants to pay, girls get on half naked, gang bangers, little kids running wild, no one makes a seat for the old lady with the hand cart, etc.

One of the buses I ride is fine at least on my side of things. The other bus is very problematic with homeless, petty criminals, etc. I need both to get to/from work. So I never know what I will get on that other bus. But if I only rode the first bus it would be fine.

My uncle rode a commuter bus for many years and loved it, his only complaint they turned the lights down once the bus started. He liked to read on the way to work.

The bus company tries but it is the quality of the passenger and the sort of neighborhood they are traveling.

Anonymous said...

Nothing I hate more than a disabled person using their disability to get away with shit. And management is a bunch of assholes because it is not fair to you to have to miss your bus waiting for her to get her ass to work where she belongs. Does your new shift avoid this problem for now?

Heather Knits said...

It helps a lot, I only deal with her on the weekend now and Tuesday this week.

But when she came, late, again today one of the managers was right next to me (I did not call the manager she was having the 3 PM meeting). The manager saw it...noted it I am sure, will pull it out later if necessary. It is good to know management is aware of this. And I do get paid for the time I stay late.

After she came I went to the back, clocked out on my phone, used the bathroom (in that order), got my stuff and left.