Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Tuesday morning

 I don't know how to say this but I have a policy with family.  If someone wants to call me, late, I am OK with it.  One of my regrets with Ron I could have been a little sweeter in the middle of the night when he needed help.  Instead I was often irritable and I do feel bad about that.  Yes, I'm only human, but I have resolved to do better.  

Which means Dad had a board meeting last night so he called later.  I went to bed later than planned but was OK with it because you never know that might be the last phone call.  No regrets on that, will do again if it comes up.  

I slept great and woke up with the alarm, hit the snooze button a few times, got up.  Cats had a little food left but I fed them anyway as I will not be home until after 6 PM, likely.  They are good about making it last.  

I packed my lunch (Italian sausage in spaghetti sauce with a side wedge of cheese; tuna salad for my lunch as it requires no heating) with a cold pack so I am ready.  It is only 4 hours working but 4 hours to and from work plus a little downtime before work where I can do shopping if needed.  I also plan to pick up a roast chicken after work if they have a good one.  

Not sure what I will do with tomorrow off.  I might get some sausage today, or I might go out and get some fresh kale at the other grocery store near my house tomorrow.  If they have it.  I am not sure if I just want to sleep in and relax tomorrow (after tomorrow I have 5 days straight work), or mix it and do some leisure and some work.  I will have to take it as it comes.  I am always trying to be "up" on meal planning so I am not caught short one day trying to fix my lunch.  

I do need some more containers so I will likely get those before work.  

That's it for now!  

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