Friday, August 5, 2022


 I have been eating right and it paid off, I am losing again.  

Last night was interesting.  I had to work with my complex coworker.  She is a nice lady (and I have to think she might read this).  She gave me $20 while I was talking about something totally unrelated to money.  I am poor, so I took it.  She likes to "direct" me and the stuff did need to get done so I let her.  

She is working tonight as well, if she doesn't call in.  

Another co worker is sick, on dialysis, and not doing well I felt very bad for her.  She is diabetic.  And that is one reason I am eating the way I am.  It regulates blood sugar.  It is too late for her of course.  Dialysis patients cannot eat keto from my understanding.  

Had to interact with the boss some but she was OK.  Again, she might read this.  

I was tired, it being my Monday and all, so I had a double cheeseburger for lunch and one for dinner and I am 196 even this morning.  So obviously moderate carb now and then is not going to kill me.  And I have not at all felt deprived on my eating plan (60% fat, 20% each carbs and protein).  I eat cheeseburgers.  I eat donuts.  I eat the rare marranito (Mexican pastry in the shape of a pig).  I can have a couple of chips when I eat Mexican.  I can find something to eat pretty much anywhere I go.  So I am happy.  

I also signed myself up for the 12 hour intermittent fasting program.  I eat between 9-9 now which covers my eating times anyway.  I don't eat before or after that.  

Today the plan is to bring cooked sausage and cheese for lunch and tuna for dinner.  I have all my little containers lined up on the counter ready to go.  I will do tuna/sausage every day through Monday as I find it fast, easy, and tasty.  I have some canned chicken if I get sick of the tuna but I adore sausage and have a couple different types.  

I was a little depressed yesterday so I wore my coral jeans.  

They were great but already a little loose.  They actually fell off as I was going into the house last night.  Always remember, if you see the finger I took the photo, that seems to be my trademark.  I will need a belt for those in the future.  The thing around my neck is my cell phone pouch.  I have found it doesn't work to put the phone in a pants pocket.  And you can't see it under my vest.  

The coral did go nicely with the blue in my vest.  I had a pretty uneventful ride to work I did tell 2 of my regular drivers I would not be riding with them for a while, starting next week.  One was clearly disappointed which I found very flattering.  But I have new drivers out there to evangelize.  I need to remember to wear my gloves, though.  A coworker also rides the bus, caught COVID, and is convinced he got it riding the bus as he didn't have any "sickly" customers before he got it.  Could be that is a pretty rough bus route.  

The traffic is pretty hairy for the driver and then all the homeless people who cause trouble and don't want to pay make it even harder.  I don't envy those drivers.  My local route does not seem to be as bad, at least on my end of the route.  

After I update Carb Manager with my new weight I'm going to cook up that sausage and put it up in little containers, take my shower and do my God Time, figure out what I am wearing.  Yesterday's pants were a 20 and falling off, but I tried on an 18 last night at home and they were way too tight.  So I think it will be a 20 with a belt for a while.  And that is fine.  I have 2 belts, one braided leather and one with grommets.  I will wear one of those today I don't like saggy britches.  But I don't like tight pants either so I would rather be a little "relaxed".  

Well I ate after my fasting window ended, was not hungry but need to take my pills including a multi vitamin that can be a little harsh.  Had 4 T whipping cream with a protein shake.  Put in my food for the day and said it would only be 3 grams total carbs for the day which I am pretty sure is wrong.  But calories and other macros look OK.  

I am glad I am losing again.  I have been doing everything right I just figure my body wanted a day or two to get used to the loss before I lost again.  

The pharmacy texted me and said I needed refills so I said OK.  It will be a couple days on that but that is OK I have plenty for now.  I have no idea what pants I am going to wear today.  I will figure it out.  I have noticed my vest is not as tight.  According to my tape measure I lost half an inch off my waist which is great.  Waist measurement is important as that's where my body has deposited all the fat.  When Ron was in the hospital he called me a "bowl" which I thought was interesting.  He had me lay down in bed with him we had not done that in a while.  He was surprised at the weight and that it was all in my midsection.  So I aim to be a smaller bowl.  I don't really care what size I end up as long as it is healthy.  

My lunch is all packed and ready to go...I just need to remember to get it out of the fridge.  I will save some money, too, because I am bringing everything except drinks.  Regarding drinks the tap water at work has a nasty mold flavor I will probably buy a large bottle of water so I don't have to endure that today, that can't be healthy.  

I already did my God Time.  Lesson on that was trust God for everything even the little things, don't think "I can do it" on my own because I can't.  Live in dependence on Him basically.  Which I have done pretty much for a long time, especially since Ron died.  It is still strange to type that Ron died.  

I will know more about my budget when I get the electric bill.  For now I am saving $200 for it.  Anyway that's it for now.  I will try to post a little when I get home tonight.  

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