Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Monday night and Very early Tuesday

Dad and I were discussing dementia on a speaker phone call with my Mom.  Dad mentioned over half of seniors over age 85 have dementia.  "I know" I said ominously "We're watching you..."  Not the kindest thing to do.  

I slept OK and got up, ready alright.  I brought tuna with me for my break and sausage and cheese to have before work.  Much better odds of getting a microwave before work so I ate the sausage first.  I had uneventful rides to work, the nice thing about going to work that early everyone else on the bus is going to work, except for a couple of homeless people going to the shelter.  

Got to work it was still busy even though tax free weekend was over, they definitely needed me and I did my job well.  Difficult co worker, difficult boss, both gone.  I was kidding around with one boss we have a running joke I dress up my cats in baby clothes, she said "We need to get you a boyfriend".  Between us NOT ready for that yet but I thought she was being kind.  

I would rather hold out and wait for the right guy than jump into a bad relationship now.  Not to mention I lose Ron's social security if I remarry (not that I get any now, but I will).  Not that Ron has much social security.  But it will at least pay the electric bill.  At any rate God does take care of the widow.  

I did rethink that later though.  I had 4 cans of tuna, a 16 ounce bottle of concentrated bleach (I use it for a sanitizer solution when I do dishes), and a couple bags of individually wrapped candy to hand out (there is a candy shortage I can't find ANYTHING).  It was pretty heavy when you add in the water bottle and my other work junk (safety vest, lunch bag, etc.).  I got out my extra tote bag after work and had one bag on each arm.  I did rather resentfully wish I had a guy in my life to help with rides or at the least help carry the groceries.  But that's a terrible reason to get in a relationship.  I got to the bus stop fine.  

There was a guy with a shaved head and a lot of tattoos but he was harmless.  We chatted a little about the bus.  He rode as far as I did but got on a different bus.  

I did miss the first bus, it was right across the street laughing at me, I hoped he might wait but he did not.  I would have caught it if I had not stopped to get the Mountain Dew on my way out (diet of course) but it was worth it, and the bus stop had a bench so I could sit while waiting.  

The rest of my ride home was uneventful and the last bus did NOT break down as it has been prone to doing.  The last bus driver and I have a running joke when we stop I always ask him to hang a turn and go in my subdivision (which of course he can't do), and he always regretfully tells me he cannot, and we both laugh.  I don't know what I would do if the driver did do that!  But I got some minutes of exercise toting my bag and walking home.  

My neighbor still has that broken pipe leaking water all over his driveway and into the street but I guess his pressure at home is good enough.  He has like 8 big pickups living there so presumably they have the money to fix it.  They like to park next to the driveway right on top of the meter which is no good.  I know my 2 plumbers told me you cannot under any circumstance drive in a yard/park in a yard over the pipes you will break them, like my fence guy most likely did.  

On that I have decided I will not call him and tell him he broke my pipe and how much it cost.  There is no proof, the break happened a couple of months later but I am sure it was a precipitating event.  I will just not call him again.  And if I do call a handyman I will explain he cannot drive/park in my yard only in the driveway (which is always empty) and why.  They will understand.  He did do a nice job on the fence.  There is a gap at the bottom which I like, the cats can get in that way.  And the HOA gave it the seal of approval.  

So I got home to all 3 cats waiting for me.  I thought that was adorable.  I put my stuff up, it was 5:30, had gotten off at 3.  I changed and laid down for 10 minutes, got up, put on my exercise clothes and did 30 minutes on the bike when I called my parents.  That works pretty well the call distracts me from the monotony.  I plan to take today off working out.  

Again, I only ate 3 carbs.  Last time I did that I got a migraine so I ate a handful of fake Triscuits.  That was about 28 carbs.  I still had a headache when I got up but nowhere near a migraine.  I used my aunt's cocktail of one advil and one Excedrin.  It worked.  

Macros have all been good I am not actively losing but I will.  

I spilled grease on my pant leg (not in an embarrassing place) while eating breakfast I was upset about that, I had to go though work like that (I suppose I could have bought a pair of jeans but I was cheap).  When I got home I used the Shout gel (first line of defense), the Biz powder, the borax, the washing soda, 2 Tide Pods, all in hopes it would eradicate this awful grease stain.  I haven't looked yet to see if it worked.  Plan is to wash it all again at any rate.  I let the shout work for half an hour, then ran a soak cycle with all the other chemicals (no underwear in that load), then a regular load.  I was worried all the powder would overload my washer but it's OK.  I really hope I can save the jeans.  

I did not dry them as that sets the stain, I just draped them over something to air dry.  These jeans fit great and I really want to keep them.  They, and my Gloria Vanderbilt 16W jeans, both fit like they were tailored for me.  

I do have a discrepancy I have a variation in my wait/hip ratio.  Seems like most manufacturers want a 10 inch difference.  I have a 7 inch.  So if it fits my waist the hips are baggy.  It is not a major deal but still figuring out what is a good appropriate fit and what is too baggy or tight.  But the 2 I have right now are good.  

I have no idea where I am going to end up size wise it will be interesting.  I think I will be in a healthy place if I lose another 26 pounds and will see where I am then.  Today I plan to have a fitting party with all my current jeans and see what works and what does not.  Anything that is too big can go out in the garage.  

That's it for now.  

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