Monday, August 1, 2022

Monday afternoon

 I had a good nap, got up and did my pills.  Which got me thinking; my headaches are better, my mood is better doing keto.  No depressions and I can't remember the last time I had a mania.  Anxiety is better even with drama at work.  So I did some research and apparently keto IS beneficial for bipolar.  It is a very technical article but the gist of it nearly everyone did better.  That is good to know and consistent with my own experience.  I literally was having a good night once about 12 years ago.  Had a bowl of regular vanilla ice cream (I used to share with Frosty) and went from decent mood to suicidal in about half an hour after consuming the sugar.  That's no good.  I need to be careful.  

It was an eye opener to read the fictional account of the little girl with epilepsy and how well she did on a keto diet.  I was already eating "right" but it has motivated me to stay on plan.  I would do a lot to avoid a depression.  Eat delicious meals?  I can do that.  I still get 100 grams of carbs a day and that is plenty.  I am going to have a marranito (delicious Mexican pastry) for dinner tonight with the famous "whipped cream thing" (whipped cream with protein powder in it).  It is all totally within my eating plan.  

I am doing 60% fat, 20% each carbs and protein.  I am eating on average 1,600 calories a day and feel satisfied eating that much.  I can do this.  I may have a very rare cheat now and then (like around my birthday) but I can always go back on plan.  

I am going to check the mail...nothing, that is, to me, a good thing.  There is nothing BAD in the mailbox.  

I know my doctor will be thrilled I will probably have lost 50 pounds by the time I talk to him again.  He was really happy the last time I lost a lot of weight.  I will tell him it is keto.  I will also encourage him to look into keto diet as an adjunct (?) therapy in addition to medication, which is what I'm doing.  

Not to mention it is always better for a patient to lose weight.  

So, today, grocery shopping, I got a quart of heavy cream.  It was expensive enough I will not be buying any more for a while.  I bought 2 pounds of sausage bringing my ground sausage total to 4.  I bought a bag of kale.  I was at Food Town and they had some markdown produce, I bought a tray of guavas and a tray of summer squash.  I do need to eat more vegetables.  And that was it.  

I had $6 left which will go to the dollar store one day because I need more Q tips.  But I feel like I got a good amount of groceries.  Oh and I got a 2 pound block of cheese.  I can cut that up and take it to work as a snack.  I like planning out my meals for the day and entering them, before I go to work, so I stay on plan.  It is working for me.  

The app really helps a lot it keeps me accountable for what I am eating.  I had bacon and eggs for lunch today, with a little bit of refried beans on the side.  I did not eat the french fries.  I am still full out of that.  I just had to put it in my food tracker and I apologized before fooling around with my app at the table.  I felt that was rude of me to do it but necessary.  

So far calories for the day (with my planned dinner)  1,400 so far.  That is great.  

Oh my aunt helped me figure out work tends to approve time off requests one month in advance.  So I still have another month on that.  We will see.  Managers are so cranky I don't want to ask.  

Anyway that's it for now.  

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