Friday, March 5, 2021

Thursday and some of Friday

 Last night Ron kept me up late BUT I did get a good nap today.  👍  God is giving me what I need.  

His medication has him confused he woke me up early this morning asking to go back to bed.  He was in bed.  He used to do that after the accident; think he was in a cab or something and not his hospital bed so I am chalking that to head injury.  

I decided to put the adult incontinence products on Next Door for giveaway.  I put up a nice description and a photo of the stack of cases.  I had a woman in, I kid you not, FIVE minutes asking for it.  She's the one who got it even though I had plenty of other interested parties!  Next Door is a really good way to sell something from what I see, even though I did not sell them but gave them away.  

God is going to bless giving it away vs. making a buck.  She had me put them in the front yard and her son loaded the car.  I was sitting out front anyway because it was a nice day, when she pulled up, but we stayed properly distanced.  She likes the neighborhood and is looking for a home so I may have met a new neighbor.  They are for her elderly grandfather and she is my age so the old man must be 80-90!  

I had my hands full with Ron this morning but I did get him to take a b-vitamin and that helped his confusion.  I think I am going to do that from now on.  I took one myself, it says "Stress B" on the label and I have been stressed.  

I don't blame Ron for any of it and I don't really even blame the guy who ran him over.  Ron grew up in a home with lead pipes.  He has drunk a lot of liquor over the years.  He got run over.  He had 3 kinds of brain damage out of that.  You don't walk away from all that unscathed.  But he was sweet and compliant so I still feel I've got this.  At some point I won't be able to care for him but I will visit as much as possible and have a relationship with his care providers.  

I'm not ditching him no matter what.  

I also started my period, pretty much right on time.  This time I had some very mild cramps leading up to it.  I haven't had cramps in probably decades.  They were absolutely horrible my teens and 20's but eased up about the time I had my ovarian cyst surgery in 2001.

I also renewed my mail hold so that's managed.  I have been getting it once a week.  

Ron got all his pills on time and I got mine.  I had a headache but it wasn't bad.  I like to take Naproxen the first day or two of my period to help stem the bleeding, which can be very heavy, so it worked out.  I just need to decide, when I run out of my prescription, do I want to just take Advil/Aleve which do pretty much the same thing or get my butt in to a doctor and get another prescription.  I know my psychiatrist would be horrified I haven't had a doctor visit in so long but that's just how it's worked.  

I may just go with getting the blood test I need anyway, Any Lab Test Now has a really nice panel with all the usual blood work, glucose, cholesterol, iron, thyroid, liver and kidney function, etc. I like to slap that with the Lithium Level and get a nice complete picture.  Get that done first and then present the numbers to my doctor at the checkup.  I will probably do that.  

I feel my mood is very balanced considering but could be I need a dose adjustment on the lithium.  You never know.  I have never tested in the high range though, mine always tends to run low.  I consider Lithium to be "Vitamin L" just as necessary as A or C.  

The cats have been good, very cute but not super cuddly today.  I spent some time outside in my shorts and tshirt getting sun.  I have found my mood is better when I do that.  I have what my Dad always called "Magic Glasses" with the automatic tint in bright light.  That is very nice.  I got the America's Best glasses a few years ago, 2 bifocals high index with the tint and nice frames for $300.  They have been very good for me.  The tint is still strong and they are reliable.  

I have found I have much better results with plastic frames vs. metal.  I require such a "Coke bottle" lens the metal has a hard time holding it.  I have a pair of purple and a pair of black.  I really only need one pair but the other came free and it's always a good idea to have a backup.  

There's an old saying "Two is one and one is none".  That applies.  

I have been eating a bag of the Werther's caramel popcorn today it is really good.  My sister loves caramel I need to send her a bag.    

Next day: 

Well Ron only woke me up 3 times last night.  1.  Eye fell out again.  We need to get him to a specialist.  I gave it back to him and he reinserted it.  2.  Lost his blanket.  3.  Too close to the edge of the bed, could I move him?  (he will NOT do bed rails)

All things he needed me for.  At least this time he wasn't asking me to take him back to bed.  

I am fairly tired but NEED to do the report today, God Time, take my shower, take care of him.  I had some caffeine and will take a couple minutes to absorb it.  

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