Wednesday, March 17, 2021

My day at work

 Jack came on time so I went to work.  The other vendor had my area blocked, I left it for an hour and then moved their cart enough to do my work.  

I basically sat around for 3 hours waiting on the delivery.  I read my Bible promise book.  I had bought a whole case with Bible money some time back and had been handing out the books to my delivery guys.  This was the last one (I did keep one for me but it was at home) to give away.  

Driver finally showed, I gave him the book and some candy I did up last night.  Currently featured candy has a handful of chocolate minis (wrapped of course), a handful of pinata mix (from Sam's), and a couple Now and Laters (5 packs).  They also had Ron's favorite tract "Where will you spend eternity?" and the scripture booklet "Help From Above".  I gave one to Jack and one to the delivery man.  

Once I got the merchandise I stocked it.  Took a while but the soda machines are nicely stuffed now.  Ron would want me to finish "right".  I am doing that.  

I have also been wearing cheerful colors because he once told me he did NOT want me to wear black or mope around.  Of course I need to grieve but not to make a display of it.  I can do that.  

I finished up and left.  It was supposed to rain and I hadn't checked the weather or brought an umbrella.   Ron used to tell me the weather forecast.  I need to get in the habit of checking myself.  Anyway I asked God to hold it off until I got home and He did.  

I got home nice and dry, trash pickup came by right after I got home and got rid of the can.  I put both cans in the side yard.  

I went inside, had a pea protein shake (protein intake has been lacking of late) and laid down for a nap.  I had an adorable Spot-man lay on my chest for quite some time as I lay on my back, purring.  He was adorable.  Biscuit laid by my foot the entire nap.  

I slept about an hour and the storms came through.  I was lying in bed listening to the thunderstorm thinking how much Ron loved them and used to exclaim over the thunderclaps.  It made me sad.  I got up and got dressed.  

The house has a faintly pissy aura but I have tracked it to Ron's room.  We are going to rip out the carpet pretty soon so it doesn't matter, it will be gone soon enough.  Torbie likes to sleep in there though.  

I have been thinking a lot Ron made me make a promise when we were dating in 1992.  He made me promise I would remarry.  I don't think I can do that.  He will just have to understand.  Even with the 5 year moratorium on dating I just can't see opening myself back up again.  

The Bible says "God is your husband" (Isaiah 54:5).  That is good enough for now.  

I am trying to hang on to how it felt laying in bed with Spotty on my chest.  

That's it for now.  

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