Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mama Cat

Burst through the locked cat door and got Spotty to join her on an adventure.  I plan to talk to chain link fencing guys next week.

Ron got his ear cleaned and did a DNR at the doctor.

Here is an image of the cat door: 

The panel slides up and down, she managed to slide it up.  


Anonymous said...

How does that even happen that a cat can break through a locked cat door? Since Spotty is not neutered yet the last thing he needs to do is go on an any adventures to create more kitty cats.

Anonymous said...

Did you hide the burn from the doctor?

How does the cat get out a locked cat door? Maybe video the door so we can understand.

Anonymous said...

DNR as in do not recussitate?

Heather Knits said...

Yes, Ron does not want extreme measures.

Heather Knits said...

I didn't hide it but Ron didn't want me to discuss it, and he did not bring it up. No fever so I felt OK with that.

The locking panel slides down over the flap. Mama Cat managed to paw it and push it upward enough to escape. I will put up a link to a photo of it.

Heather Knits said...

I agree with you on Spotty, he has got to be neutered. I think first fix the cat cage and then him, if I keep him away from outside he should be OK. He goes out with his mother as her paw-tner in crime.

Anonymous said...

Can't you at least use a little 409 or some other cleaner and wipe off the cat door it is gross.

Anonymous said...


Ms M said...

Trolling, here? Really?