Sunday, October 20, 2019

Objective 1

Blogger changed up my format but the new version lets me post photos from the app again.  But it is a different interface for me. 

I think your experience is the same.  I am up to about 12K hits a month now. 

I slept in, slept very well.  #2 installed security lights on the side of the house between our yards (pretty narrow) so the south side of my house is pretty well lit up in addition to the north (#6 and his damned motion lights that shine in my bedroom).  So I have lights on both sides of my house, and the back and I suppose I don't need to ever worry about getting my own now.  Plenty of light out front.  But the new lights do not affect my sleep.  It would if I slept in here but not a big issue. 

She is a woman (someone else lives with her but I don't know who) so probably worried about safety.  And #10 has had some VERY strange tenants.  The kind that just loaf in the yard all day, getting in my business, trespassing, etc. 

I remember last year Ron fell out of his wheelchair in the garage.  I opened the garage door.  #7 was across the street and saw Ron lying on the ground and me trying to help him, totally ignored us.  And I wasn't about to ask.  Yes, I am proud and stubborn.  I would rather (and did) call an ambulance than ask someone for help if they see us in need and don't offer.  I might have even taken help from the weird guy had he been around. 

But we fixed Ron falling out on the ramp. 

Onto more positive thoughts: I slept great.  I woke up on my own, no alarm.  I was happy about that. 

There must be another hole in the cat cage, I did not see Mama cat at all yesterday but she suddenly appeared in the house last night demanding food.  When I get them all rounded up, I am shutting the cat door until we can totally redo the fencing.  I can't take a chance of someone getting hurt or sick.  Thank God Biscuit is still showing up for his antibiotic every morning but DRAMA I don't need and I will stop these exits. 

I don't blame the cats, they want to run free and it is in their nature but it is not a safe world for cats.  The second I have all of them in the house I can, and will, LOCK that cat door down. 

Mama cat did take some petting (she doesn't like to be picked up so I petted her with both hands) when she ate with Cleo, who has been a faithful "homegirl". 

Cleo is not leaving.  Good girl.  Cleo also came to me for breakfast, rubbed against my ankles (she is the only cat who does that), allowed plenty of petting, and let me know savory chicken in extra gravy was OK but not great.  I will give the rest to my friend Mike.  His cats eat anything.  She was more interested in eating Biscuit's formula after he finished.  She is a nice petite little girl and I want to keep her like that. 

Ron worked all morning on sales tax.  We finally got that done.  I wish I could make accounting stuff easier for him.  NOT letting me look at his leg. 

But I am going to Walmart later to pick up his pills, I will get some additional wound care supplies and some of those antibacterial bandages.  I have a list. 

I have an Android phone and my cell phone provider is in bed with Google.  That makes Blogger and Youtube super easy for me so I don't object.  Google also has Google Docs, which I have found helpful.  I have it on my phone and online so I can update from one and both will be posted.  It is really handy to add something to my shopping list when I am at the computer with the cell phone off and charging, then I can look at the cell phone and say 'Oh, cat food!". 

Very handy.  And not too creepily invasive. 

I took care of the cats, Biscuit said no thank you to the ointment and left, got on the computer for a while and took a shower.  The goal being Ron in the bath this afternoon after he unwinds from doing sales tax.  He won't even take a juice drink. 

About that, V8 has various fruit/veggie juices.  I tried a couple on him and he really likes the Strawberry Banana variety.  It has carrot juice and all sorts of great stuff in it so I am going to pour as much as I can into him and ABSOLUTELY buying more today if they have it.  He will not touch a fruit (save pineapple) or vegetable ever so this will be great. 

I do want to take good care of him.  Now if I could only get him to eat more protein, especially now. 

Eventually Ron finished the report and we filled out the form, made a mistake but not a huge one.  It was partly my fault. 

But it is all ready to mail tomorrow, the due date.  So that's objective 1 accomplished. 

Objective 2 clean the leg. 

Objective 3 get some protein and "juice" into him. 

Objective 4: Go to Walmart, get supplies and medication. 

Objective 5: get him in the bath. 

Objective 6: change and wash the sheets. 

Damn, I'm tired already. 

Ron just rolled by and I got a look at his leg, it is better.  That's good. 

Feeding him was a big fail.  "Don't ever offer me food because it impedes vodka absorption and I will have to have a bowel movement".  He used to say that after the accident, he didn't want to eat because it would make him defecate. 

Super frustrating because it is impossible to argue with that kind of logic.  I will make some sliders later and make those available, if he drinks sometimes he gets an appetite. 

I am going to get dressed and get out of here.  It will be super depressing to stay here with him drinking and brooding all day. 

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