Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday afternoon 2

I got hungry, wanted a cup of noodles, ate one.  I easily found the coats in the garage and brought them in the house.  My delivery came, I got it.

#6 sat there in her idling vehicle watching me get it.  So they know I get delivery.  They're sure not helping me with rides to the grocery store!  (Not that I would accept)

I noted a problem out front.  #2, like her mother before her, has a new habit of parking in front of my house, even though her driveway can easily park 4.  They are a corner house so I understand they don't have street parking but one car in the driveway + in front of my house + 4 parking spaces in their driveway doesn't add up.

But they are on a grade and some people don't like to go up a "hill".  They are sure glad of it come flood time, though.

So I don't know if it is the friend or her - but someone has a "new" bad habit.  Ron does not walk up onto the vans anymore so it is not the big problem it was 15 years ago.  He only rides in his wheelchair on the big van, and then should be able to get into the cab OK.  But I am really territorial, that is not a good thing and I am battling some upset.  But I need to pick my battles, they have been quiet so far so let's just hang onto that.

The kids erupted from the car about the time I closed the garage door, opened the door to my house, and started bringing things in.  Cleo froze when she heard their voices but I sweet talked her and did the thing where you mostly close your eyes while saying sweet things.  She relaxed, but was sure glad when they went in the house.  She is fine now.

I just caught Cleo eating Biscuit's food, even though they have most of a can of food sitting on a plate, on the floor.  She ran off but I had to laugh.

Everyone feels nice and soft when I pet them, so my mix of wet + dry seems to be a good mix.  I want them super healthy because they deserve to feel their best.  Tonight I think I will make up a huge batch of my special blend cat food.  Half Royal Canin, half Meow Mix.

Mama cat is in the garage.  I have a choice of gelato or pudding for dinner tonight.  I think I will take the hit (less protein) and eat the dessert for dinner.  Caring for Ron is rough, there, I said it.  Add all the cats and that's more work (happy to do it for the cats).  I will go check the mail in about half an hour but I got all my packages already.

Walmart delivered a new squeaky mouse on a wand toy so I cut the old one off the very frayed rope and threw it on the floor for the cats.  Biscuit was playing with it.  They are really well built and Cleo has only gutted one of them.

I am fine with her wrecking toys as long as she is safe.  I will happily buy her another, play is really important.  Best of all she has her brother for wrestle time.  They do a lot of that.

I think Mama Cat was very happy to see Cleo in the house because she had been alone with Spotty for weeks!  She was ready for a break and Cleo provided one once she had bounced back from her own surgery.  And she seems to be forgiving me and getting used to life as a housecat.  Cleo was incredibly amazed by the TV - still is on occasion.  It is cute to watch.  But she's safe and healthy, they all are.

That's all I want, healthy, happy cats.  I now have enough litter for a month (not counting an extra "in use" week) which I think is the right amount for my needs.  I do not want to run out of litter, that would be exceptionally bad.  No way am I letting the cats out, it is not safe.

I think I will go do up some cat food.  Done.  I have pounds of it now.

Edit: I had the gelato for dinner, it was super tart (I had lemon).  I am not sure if I like it or not. 

Ron came out of his room and "sort of" apologized for waking me up.  I told him "Now you know what happens if you do" and left it at that.  I did help him get dinner. 

The cats were not into the mixed grill today so I think I may skip that on the Chewy order. 

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