Thursday, October 17, 2019

So much for my nap

I have been running on cold diet soda all day so I made myself an egg salad sandwich and took my morning pills, did some Ron tending.  I tried to lie down for a nap but Ron kept making noise with his back. 

He just doesn't think he is bothering me, when I tell him he says sorry and 5 minutes later...

I got up after about an hour.  Biscuit was on one of the condos looking good.  Cleo ran away when she saw me.  She probably figured out I took him to the vet. 

The vet made a point of saying I should wash his towel (for germs) before I put it back in the bed.  I had some Lysol laundry sanitizer so I used that, I don't use it often but it seemed called for.  I am going to trust the person with DVM after all, that is what I paid her for. 

She made a point of thanking me for my business today.  She has definitely made some payments off my business this year.  I don't resent money spent on the cats but it can be a little eeky at budget time. 

So I'm washing the towel.  I will put another one in the bed and carrier. 

Ron is quiet NOW that I am up, I gave him some more kratom and that finally did the job.  Red Thai I believe.  I just hope I can sleep tonight. 

I am already pretty manic and I don't want to get worse. 

What a week, I have been sick, Ron, and Biscuit.  That is a record for us.  My fix was pretty cheap and Ron's was the price of Kratom, with the cab it cost about $200 for Biscuit so not bad. 

Poor Biscuit, one person had to hold him down while the other cleaned him.  He kept trying to get away but did not fight them. 

He's a good boy. 

I have doubts about him permitting me to apply the ointment but we'll see.  I think the antibiotic is the main thing and we have done pretty well with that. 

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