Thursday, October 17, 2019

Short Mama Cat video

Mama cat has been hanging out next to me in my chair.  I find that completely awesome.  She likes to sit on the back of the sofa, next to my head, purring and demanding petting, which I am always happy to provide. 

Here she is.  I could hear her purring on my phone during playback so you should be able to hear it too. 


Anonymous said...

Yes, I could hear her purring. My brother used to have a cat he called Motor, the cat purred often and loudly. May God bless you richly for your care of the cats.

Heather Knits said...

They're all just really nice cats, and fun to care for.

Anonymous said...

She is so sweet. How is Biscuit doing?

Friend said...

Love the he videos keep em coming ignore negativity sometimes people like inflicting their own baggage on others in the form of self righteous indignation and the idea that anyone knows more than you about your situation based on a blog is ridiculous .