Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Tuesday afternoon

I slept OK but am really, really, tired.  I stripped the sheets off the bed so I can wash them and have them soaking right now.  I had room in the washer so I threw in all my microfiber tshirts as well.  Then I need to do a load of clothes and that is it for the day.  

I need to take a shower and working up my energy for that.  The cats are good so that's happy news.  They were pretty eager to eat this morning when I got up.   

I got  shower done and even shaved my legs.  I stripped the bed and washed the sheets.  I'm not doing much else.  I got a very decent nap, too.  I need to take out the trash and recycle, I also need to figure out dinner.  The AC is running a lot for my house so it must be hot out, but it's almost 5 PM so it shouldn't be bad for long.  

I took the trash and watered the plants.  Not the ideal situation but water at 5 PM is better than no water.  The catnip looked the worst.  Biscuit is in his favorite position, on his back with just one back leg up in the air.  I call it "the chicken leg".  He's been spending a lot of time lounging around on the tile floors.  I don't find them cold in the winter but they are nice in the summer.  

Tomorrow I could stand to sweep we will see.  

I am just trying to be lazy hopefully I will succeed.  And there's Biscuit in my lap.  I'm going to go feed him dinner.  

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