Sunday, May 29, 2022

I'm not mad...

#6 has, appropriately enough, 6 kids.  Oldest is out on his own.  Second oldest graduated yesterday which meant a party.  Which meant loud bass lines coming through my wall in the bedroom all night.  I moved into Ron's room and slept there, I did OK.  I could still hear the music but it wasn't as loud.  But I got about 3 hours of sleep.  

Even the cats seem tired.  I am up and have a decent amount of energy.  Hopefully I will not fall asleep on my way to work this morning, or the way home.  I could end up downtown.  I am not going to think about work right now.  I will just go in and do my job.  

I already did up the candy and did my God Time.  I am really glad I lightened up my bag it is much easier to carry now.  I wish I could go back to bed.  Hopefully I will sleep OK tonight.  

#6 isn't evil, he's just thoughtless.  He stopped around 11 PM which would have been fine for most neighbors but I had to get up at 3.  He doesn't know that because I am quiet, and I work 2 nights a week.  If anything he probably assumed I was at work.  But I'm tired.  

But today is my Thursday, if I can get through today and tomorrow I have 2 nights off.  My schedule is doing weird things coming up, I need to figure out how I can afford the rides.  I don't have a problem taking the bus to get to work at 11 AM but not so keen about taking the same bus home at 8 PM.  A lot of freaks come out on the bus at night as I saw last year.  It really goes to electric bill and how much that is, if it is reasonable I can do it.  So let's pray for a cheap electric bill.  I am really not running the air much at all so I don't think it will be bad but we will see.  I am not going to stress about it.  I will get paid for the extra hours so I can pay myself back.  

Maybe I need to move my cheat sheet I use to work out my budget, I have it right next to the computer right now.  At any rate I plan to be thrifty.  

And I need to figure out what I'm doing on my day off.  Right now I plan to just sleep late on Tuesday if possible.  I think I am OK on groceries if I get some lunch meat, I might go to the dollar store (not for lunch meat) because I can use some cleaning supplies.  I made fried eggs and used a lot of grease, it made an awful mess all over the stove top.  I need to get that off some how.  I will likely make some lentils on Wednesday so I have dinner Thursday-Sunday.  It is a very filling meal for a lunch at work.  Not too expensive either although I might bring a sandwich just in case I don't want lentils.  I am a little sick of chorizo and lentils the last batch was way too hot for my taste.  

When it comes to international cuisine I am more Salvadoran (no peppers) than Mexican (lots of peppers).  Too bad there is not a pupusa truck in our parking lot that would be awesome.  I have some link sausage I might use in my lentils.  

Yeah I am going to get rid of the budget by my computer.  It just provokes anxiety.  I don't want bill averaging on the electric bill because I have heard they always charge too much and that's not fair.   

Anyway not going to stress about my bills at 5 AM on a work day.  I am working that is the important thing.  I need to get dressed.  

That's done.  Biscuit laid on the floor and waved a back leg at me.  I call them chicken legs because they look like chicken leg quarters.  I told him I would think about him like that while I was at work.  And I will.  I am a little warm having dressed but I am sure it is cooler outside.  

I just hope today is a good day; I know a lot of it is how I approach it but some annoying issues at work I wish would get resolved.  Anyway I had better get ready to go so that's it for now.  

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