Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Wednesday noon

 When I am depressed I pull back.  That isn't a good thing.  However my brother is used to dealing with depressed people and finally got ahold of me.  We had a good talk but I feel bad for him.  He is dealing with a young punk kid hassling him.  His wolf/mix was murdered, likely by the same kid.   God help that boy if he ever tells my brother.  My niece moved in and is looking after my brother which is a good idea for them both.  She got him a puppy and he is having fun with training it.  

Trash came and picked up my garbage, then put my can in front of #2's house.  Why does everyone want my can there?  I don't know!  I took it back and put it in my side yard.  

All the cans are issued by the trash company, by the way, and identical except for some small differences I use to identify mine.  

Anyway it was nice talking to him, now I probably need to call my sister this afternoon.  Biscuit got up in my lap during the conversation which was really cute.  I like how he just shoves himself in there, they all do, whenever they want attention.  I want them to feel entitled.  

People, this world is only going to get worse.  At some point Jesus will take the born again believers to Heaven for the "wedding supper of the lamb" (7 year party with those who have gone before, Ron and I are going to have a good time catching up!).  I have heard various viewpoints that Jesus will take all children under a certain age, and those unable to decide on their own (limited mentally, coma, etc.) as well.  This is a good thing because the world gets really, really, bad literally hell on Earth so bad the Bible says "none" would survive if He didn't come back again for the Second Coming, kick Satan's butt, happy ending for those born again and washed in the blood.  Everlasting judgement for those who are not: you don't want to be there.  

Now some believers say "Jesus will only take believer's children and leave the children of the unreached".  It is possible.  Things will get really bad, famine, war, pestilence, etc.  So I tend to think God's going to take them.  You think a school shooting is bad this will be every family on the planet.  

So today I have some meal planning.  I have 3 chicken thighs in the crock pot.  I have some link sausage in the fridge I will cook later.  I also need to get the lentils soaking so I can cook them too.  And then I need to wash dishes before/after as well.  That should get me through the next couple days.  

Going to take a nap... that's it for now.  

Do think about your eternal destination if you have been putting it off.  God has been good to me and I hate to think of people without Him.  


Anonymous said...

There already is famine wars and all that and bad things going on. Just because you dont know about it doesn't mean it's not happening. This world is already a toxic and evil place.

Heather Knits said...

Yeah makes me think it won't be long.

Anonymous said...

We are definitely living in the last days. So many signs are converging and the frequency at which these things are occurring is almost every day.