Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Watch me rant about dogs in shopping carts.

It is funny, sometimes, to see my limits.  For instance a female relative.  I was OK with her living with her boyfriend and having a child out of wedlock.  Going off her meds and then becoming a stripper?  No.  

Same with a woman I just unfollowed.  She is a grandma, I get it.  The little girl is about 6.  Some relative gave the little girl a puppy that is not housetrained.  Grandma just posted a picture of the little girl and the puppy in a Walmart shopping cart.  Revolting.  

As a Walmart employee I have seen, and had to clean up, people's pet waste because they lied and said their animal was a trained service dog.  It was not, it eliminates in the store, they laugh and walk away and the employees have to clean it up.  So I don't think it's funny/cute to take an untrained puppy into a Walmart and ride it around in a shopping cart that could very well hold a HUMAN child, next, maybe one with immune problems.  Not to mention the wage slave employee has to clean up YOUR mess.  You want that nonsense in your house/car that is one thing but keep it out of my store.  So she is gone.  Something about her was putting up my hackles anyway.  It is against the rules they have huge signs saying NO PETS and, at my store, NO DOGS IN SHOPPING CARTS.  

She claims to be a Christian.  Romans 13 says you obey man's laws unless and until they interfere with God's laws (for instance wanting me to kill a person).  A Christian doesn't get to cherry pick which rules they obey or not.  And no, a dog in a shopping cart is not a big deal for most people but for the person gagging as they clean up the pet waste it is a pretty big deal!  

I had a pretty decent nap but I did wake up with a headache.  I bought a packet of aspartame drink mix and had a few packets this morning so I think that is the definitive link.  I had some Gatorade which helped and I brewed some FOR SURE DECAF tea which I will ice and drink later.  

And there's Biscuit!  It's funny, I was going to say I would never, ever, make someone clean up my cats' waste but then I remember the times I boarded him at the vet and they had to clean his poop and urine for probably 2 weeks total.  I did pay them a lot of money for that.  He just got up next to me, purring.  He is so damned cute.  His face looks a little leaner but his body is still full chonk.  And there's Spotty still plenty of love around here even with the brown girls gone.  

So I'm glad I got my nap.  I have the lentils soaked and shouldn't take very long to cook.  Then the sausage.  The chicken is done.  That should hold me for a few days.  

One thing I've been having trouble with are the breakfasts and lunches.  I don't want a full lunch but I want something akin to a donut or two, which I do get on occasion.  I need to finish drying some clothes and figure out what I am doing with the white jeans.  They have a very small mark on the back pocket at the seam.  Do I air dry them and then give it another attempt next week with a different stain treater?  Or do I just write them off and use them for chores like the painters do with their white jeans?  I don't know yet.  I will consult some women in my life (family) and see what they think.  I only spent about $7 on them so not overly worried.  I was manic that day normally I would never buy white pants.  

Boy does that explain a lot in my life "I was manic".  Of course for me a mania is pretty low key these days you really have to know me to spot it, or you come look here and you see 6 posts in one day.  That reminds me, need to do up my pills.   That took a while, and was confusing.  

I have 4 prescriptions.  Two mood stabilizers and an antidepressant, and something else I take for other symptoms.  That drug, the last one, normally comes in a 90 day like all my other drugs.  But the bottle was very small this time, I didn't catch it when I picked it up.  It took me a while reading the label and counting to figure out they gave me a 30 day with 2 refills, instead of a 90 day as requested.  It is a good thing I figured that out before I ran out I am a little irked about that.  

I went outside and sat in the sun/fresh air for a while it is really nice out, important to get fresh air.  I am cooking some lentils - if it's Wednesday it must be lentils.  I need to buy some more, by the way.  I put some Chorizo in it this time.    

So all the cooking's done for now.  Talked to my parents Dad wants to get up on a ladder and we (adoptive Mom) and I were both protesting an 80+ year old man really should NOT.  Hopefully he will listen.  I think I have enough work/food things for the week.  

I work Memorial Day of course but I don't think it will be too crazy, I don't recall it being bad last year.  Famous last words but they only have me down for 4 hours.  

I am really glad I got insurance paid, that I had enough for insurance.  I know my aunt was worried about my budget with me socking away half my pay for "escrow".  But it paid off.  

And I am going to go eat some delicious link sausage.  


Anonymous said...

Yes, by all means talk your Dad off of getting on the ladder. My Dad, who is 82 thought he could go up on ladder to see where the squirrels had done some damage. Needless to say, he lost his balance on the third rung, fell back and fractured his arm. Thank God, it could have been much worse. So, that’s just my two cents but I definitely would not support your Dad getting on a ladder at his age.

Anonymous said...

I have a dog (not service) who I love and is admittedly spoiled beyond belief. However, I would never take him in a store that does not allow dogs. That is disrespectful and rude. (And don't get me started on owners who take their dogs to stores on hot days and leave them in a car with no air running while they go in and shop. Leave the dog at home if you are not taking it somewhere it can be in the air or get out with you).

Heather Knits said...

I have had to clean up dog waste myself so I know these pets aren't trained. Unfortunately you can buy a vest online that says "certified service dog" if you pay $100 for a "certificate" and then some stores think they "have" to take the pet. Truth is even a guide dog is not allowed if it is making messes or being disruptive. The greeters at my store don't even bother they just let any dog through. And it's apparently not just my store if my former friend's photo is any indicator, they were not trying to hide the puppy in the shopping cart.

Yeah I will tell Dad, like most men he is stubborn. Ron did a few things like that in his early 50's but he was still pretty young and had good bones, and he was smart enough to know his limits.

I do have to admit I miss having a handyman around...

Anonymous said...

Sometimes people are on vacation and don't want do gooders calling the police.
Happened to us in Florida and we were just across the parking lot from our car and had eyes on our dog. SMH

Heather Knits said...

When I leave town I board Biscuit.

Dogs that are not store trained make disgusting biological messes. One one occasion I had to clean up dog urine that had become a slip hazard while the owner stood there holding the yapper and laughed at me. On another occasion a dog had a bowel accident over by accessories on one of our main aisles. Those are just the ones I know about. I don't think anyone is going to say that kind of behavior is OK.

For instance, I have nothing but admiration for Guide Dogs and Seizure Alert dogs. They are properly trained and perform lifesaving functions, welcome in my eyes anytime.